We appeal to United Nations, including US, and other world leaders, to intervene urgently to avert impending bloodbath, following the quit notice given by Northerners to Igbos, and by extension to Southerners living in the North.
Since the so-called Nigerian independence in 1960, millions of Igbos, and some other minority ethnic groups, have been massacred in sponsored genocide, religious killings, insurgency, and menace of Fulani Herdsmen, with impunity. Nothing tangible has been done to bring any of the perpetrators to book, as they are all from the north. We want to free ourselves from internal slavery.
The crux of the matter is the Hausa/Fulani oligarchy, was instigated by departing British colonial masters. They created master/servant relationship between Northerners and Southerners, in order to maintain their imperialism in the country.
Since 1960, Northerners have been lording it over other people. The few rulers from South who emerged, were as a result of accident of history. For instance, the death of incumbent Presidents, or military junta, who happened to be from the North. It might also be as a result of serious crises that allowed temporary concession to South. Obasanjo and Goodluck Jonathan were beneficiaries of such rare occurrences.
There has been grand design by Northern elite, to rule Nigeria perpetually, at the expense of the rest of the country. They want to dominate and control everywhere. Virtually all security outfits are headed by persons from far North. For example in the: Army, Police, Air force, DSS, Security and Defence Corps. Hausa/Fulani oligarchy in Nigeria is worse than colonialism. It is local imperialism.
This is the reason why the struggle for the actualization of Biafra is unrelenting. Major General Philip Philip Effiong, second-in-command to Ojukwu, spoke on January 1970, to Nigeria Military junta; at the end of the civil war. He told them to treat the Biafrans well. If not, their children would carry on with the struggle for self-determination. That is exactly what is happening today.
Yakubu Gowon is one of the most wicked and ruthless dictators in the world; comparable to Adolph Hitler of Germany, who ordered the massacre of six million Jew. Approximately that number of human beings were killed, during the despotic rule of Gowon. We hear of dictators like Idi Amin of Uganda, Emperor Bakassa, Nguema of Equatorial Guinea. Non of them allowed their citizens, to be massacred as much as Gowon did. In fact, all the deaths and miseries caused by dictators in Africa put together, are not up the atrocities committed by Gowon during his evil rule.
He was implicated in a bloody coup plot against his successor in office, Murtala Mohammed. The former was brutally murdered, barely seven months in office. Gowon refused to come back to Nigeria from Britain where he fled to defend himself of heinous crime. He was shielded by Britain, that imperialist nation, with his loots. In fact, he was fingered in the brutal assassinations of both his predecessor and successor in power. In the case of his predecessor, Aguiyi Ironsi, the General was bound both hands and feet, tied on a moving military landrover. The vehicle was driven at a high speed; while his helpless body was dragging on the tarred road, until he died a cruel death.
Then, Gowon seized power above many who were his seniors in military ranks. His arrogance and half education caused the deaths of millions of people. This dictator is supposed to be in the Hague by now, to face heinous crimes against humanity he committed. He presided over the massacres of millions of Igbos. God Almighty will judge him. One day, he will answer for his deeds. For the evils that men do, live with them.
BIAFRAN REFERENDUM IS OVERDUE We call on United Nations, and other International Bodies, to help conduct referendum on the exit of Biafra from Nigeria urgently. It will go a long way to end the bloodletting, and man’s inhumanity to man, going on the country.
Referendum will be a mere formality, going by the overwhelming success of sit-at-home exercise in Biafran territory recently. It took place on 30th May, 2017. The people there are yearning for emancipation from, internal slavery, and local imperialism, of Hausa/Fulani oligarchy. The clamour has reached irreversible stage.
Biafrans are among the most oppressed people of the world. They have suffered more than many nations, that eventually become independent from tribal and wicked rulers. There has been systematic repression of Igbo’s, since the so-called independence in 1960. They are virtually treated as slaves in Nigeria, by mostly northern rulers, who have dominated governance for decades now.
Millions of Igbos have been killed over the years, under the active connivance of most Northern rulers and elite. Their atrocities and subjugation of Igbos, are reminiscent of what Israelis suffered in Egypt; until they were rescued by Almighty God. Our taskmasters have subjected us to all forms of sufferings and deprivations. For instance, no Igbo man has ever ruled Nigeria for the past 51 years.
They have been banished from occupying virtually all ‘frontline’ positions in the: Presidency, Judiciary, National Assembly, Army, Police, Navy, Air Force, name them, with few exceptions. Nigerian rulers, including military dictators, overlook Igbos in appointments and employments. They want to kill the talents of our people, many of whom are recognized all over the nations for their ingenuity. But, the more they oppress and kill our people, the more they are waxing strong. Igbos have enterprising spirit.
South Eastern Nigeria is the least developed in the country. There are many dilapidated, and abandoned federal roads and projects there. There is hardly any federal industry there; no refinery, though an oil producing area. There is no federal steel company there. Nothing! It has the least number of states. Igbos are hated in Nigeria.
There has been escalation of massacres, burning alive of human beings, since the inception of this disguised Islamic and repressive regime in the year 2015. The battles in Niger Delta left many pipelines, and other oil installations destroyed. It resulted in very low oil output, and subsequent recession in the country.
The killing of Igbos by sponsored rioters, Islamic fanatics, Fulani Jihadist Herdsmen, etc, has to come to an end; hence agitation for Biafra. Terrorists, who camouflage as herdsmen, with automatic weapons, are having field day: killing, raping, destroying farmlands, and polluting streams, mostly in the Southern parts of the country, and Middle Belt region, with impunity. Any religious adherents, who regard rape, impregnating of girls and married women, as service to God, are into false religions or secret societies. They are agents of Satan the devil. Nigerian Government and its security agents, have shielded these armed Hausa/Fulani gangs. None of them has ever been charged, and sentenced for those heinous crimes. Instead, the victims have become accused. They are tagged cattle rustlers who should be hunted down.
Boko Haram insurgents are on rampage. They are the creation of Northern elites. The primary objective was to wrestle power from Christian President Jonathan, and depopulate Christians, especially Igbos. Having achieved their inordinate ambition, it has now backfired on them. They can no longer control the insurgents; who are now also killing their own tribesmen, women and children, in the far North. They felt they have been used and betrayed. End of the conflict is not in sight, with the funding of insurgents by the Government, in the guise of paying ransom. They are all victims of self-inflicted wounds.
Let UN and world leaders come to our rescue, as they did to many countries formerly under enslavement. God Almighty has not forsaken us. He has started to deal with our wicked and callous rulers, both past and present. He has the power to remove anybody from whatever position, whether on temporary or permanent basis, whoever he may be. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men.
”Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace”—Psalm 37: 1,2, 35-37.

HISTORY OF IGBO MASSACRE (City/Town and Year) 1. Jos 1945 2. Kano genocide 1953 3. 1966 pogroms- over 60,000 civilians were killed 4. May 29th 1967- over 200,000 civilians were killed. 5. 1967-70 – over 3,100,0000 killed during the bloody civil war (including the Asaba Genocide). 6. Kano 1980 7. Maiduguri 1982 8. Jimeta 1984 9. Gombe 1985 10.Zaria 1987 11.Kaduna & Kafanchan 1991 12.Bauchi & Katsina 1991 13. Kano 1991 14. Zangon-Kataf 1992 15. Funtua 1993 16. Kano 1994 17. Kaduna 2000 18. Kaduna 2001 19. Maiduguri 2001 20. Jos Maiden Crisis-Setember 2001 21. Kaduna 2002 22.Jos-November 2008 23. Beheading of Gideon Akaluka in December of 1996 in a POLICE STATION in Kano 24. Saint Moritz killed December 2001 25. Post April 2011 Presidential Election: 10 youth-corps men & women and numerous citizens murdered because a Christian Southerner was elected. 26. Jos Christmas Eve 2010 27. Madalla Christmas day 2011 28. Mubi January 6 2012 29. The many Igbo deaths caused by boko haram(which of course has the full backing of the northern elites). And the list goes on. By the time you read this more would have died. The situation is getting out of hand, and the Nigerian government has shown that it lacks the will and the capability, to protect the life and property of Igbos in Nigeria. The killings must stop. If you are Igbo and you are still playing the ostrich, it could be you tomorrow, me, or your loved ones.
EXPLOITATION OF NIGER DELTA Niger Delta region is an area that produces up to ninety percent of Nigerian oil earnings. Niger Delta is a name that is synonymous with crude oil production.
Successive Governments in Nigeria have grossly neglected the area, in terms of welfare of the inhabitants, and provisions of basic necessities of life. Farming and fishing are their means of livelihood. Farmlands and fishing waters there, have been devastated by oil prospecting companies, through oil spillage. Environmental protection standards are not being followed by oil companies working in Nigeria. But, when these companies operate in other countries, especially developed countries, they are compelled to follow the standards,
Now, the Nigerian rulers and their surrogates, are making fortunes from the oil being produced there; to the utter neglect of the impoverished inhabitants, The people are wallowing in abject poverty, in the midst of plenty. Virtually all Nigerian rulers and their acolytes, are billionaires and millions, from the oil loot.
This is the genesis of youths’ restiveness in Niger Delta. It has culminated into militancy. The elders in the areas are ‘settled,’ leaving behind under-development there. My advice to Nigerian Authorities, is to address the grievances of the Niger Delta youths, rather than threatening and using military force on them. The militants of 1980s and 1990s, are no longer the militants of nowadays. They have grown much in learning, and acquisition of sophisticated weapons.
Many of them have undergone training and schooling as: pilots, Chemical Engineers, Marine Engineers, and Underwater welders. People marvel at the high precision in which they blow up oil pipelines from a distance. Sometime ago, they shut down some war planes with spectacular precision. As well, they roundly defeated mercenaries sent from Saudi Arabia. No amount of force or intimidation, can deter them from demanding for their rights; and fare share of oil being explored in their God-given land.
The militants exercised restraint and maturity, during the period Osinbajo was Acting President. They were calmed down, and stopped busting the oil pipelines. At a stage, it looked as if the militants groups were no more in existence. Unlike Boko Haram insurgents, they don’t indulge in atrocities like: rape, adoption and impregnating of girls and married women. They have overwhelming sympathy of the people.
Now, the quit notice given by Northerners to Igbos; and by extension to people of Niger Delta living in the north, has heightened tension in the country. Militants have threatened to resume bombing of pipelines. Northern elite, who are using the so-called Arewa youths as fronts, want to cause another round of genocide against Igbos mostly. If they try it again, they will regret it.
Our people have the right to defend themselves. The plan by Northerners to kill our people in the North again, coupled with the hypocrisy of Hausa/Fulani controlled Nigerian Authorities on the issue, is causing tension. They have failed to arrest those involved, and charge them with treason.
Instead, Nigerian tribal Government wants to re-arrest Nnamdi Kanu, leader of IPOB, for agitating for Biafra. Nigeria is like “Animal Farm,” written by George Owen, where some animals are overlords to others. For how long will the Hausa/Fulanis continue to lord it over the rest of the country? It won’t survive the test of time.
They should know the struggle for actualization of Biafra is irreversible. Our people shouldn’t be pushed to the wall; to start defending themselves. Our uncles and fathers fought a defensive war during Nigerian civil war. The battles were carried out only in Biafra territory. Let the oppressors not think it will be like that again, if they attempt another genocide. With the displayed inventions and production of missiles by militants, those blood suckers from North and their financiers, should watch it. A stitch in time saves nine.
Grant Licenses To ‘Local Oil Refineries.’ We appeal to Nigerian Federal Government to give “Oil Refining Licenses,” to individuals in Niger Delta who are capable of refining crude oil in a local way. Wanton destruction of what are regarded as illegal refineries, by Federal Government security agents, is not helping our inability to refine the product.
Many of these refineries tagged illegal are capable of producing high quality petroleum products. If illegal miners in the North are now being issued mining licenses to operate, why not allow their refining counterparts in the south licenses, now that the few conventional refineries have performed far below expectations? Why all these destructions in Niger Delta? I am very sure if Niger Delta were to be in Northern Nigeria, the local refinery operators would have been granted a form of autonomy.
Many of the people manning those so-called illegal refineries, are highly qualified and trained Engineers and Technologists, who are jobless. We are destroying what we have. It is a big shame and indictment, on very poor leadership we have in this impoverished country Nigeria, that we are still importing fuel at prohibitive prices. Grant refining licenses to these local refineries, and fuel scarcity problem in Nigeria will be solved.
EMULATE ACTING PRESIDENT OSIBANJO We welcome Nigerian President Buhari, back to the country. We thank God for allowing him to come back to his position, after about fifty days medical absence. His coming back to power at this time, is by the mercy of God.
I want to remind the President, that the past 50 days of his absence, has witnessed unprecedented tranquility in this country in recent times. The acting President Yemi Osibanjo, performed marvelously well in diffusing tension across Nigeria; and put it on the fast tract of economic recovery. He recorded huge success in Niger Delta, where militancy has been drastically reduced. It was not by the force of arms, but by diplomacy, and genuine concern for the plight of the neglected people in the area.
He made a number promises to the inhabitants, which include billions of dollars investment in the oil sector. He also promised to grant operating licenses to local refineries which have been labeled “illegal refineries,” marked for destruction. Must everything in Niger Delta be destroyed? I am sure if Niger Delta were to be in the North, all these destruction syndrome won’t be there. If mining licenses can be granted to individuals in the North; let their counterparts in the south be granted refining licenses.
Nefarious activities of Fulani herdsmen refused tremendously, especially in South Nigeria in the last 50 days. The wanton destruction of lives, property, rape, etc, was in the cooler for several weeks now.
The brutality and dehumanization of defenceless civilians, by members of Nigerian Armed Forces, have been curbed during Osibanjo’s short tenure as Acting President. Some of the soldiers involved had been demoted, sacked, and even imprisoned: something that has never happened before. Now soldiers, policemen, and other security agents, are cautious of maltreating civilians, or abusing their privileged positions. Exchange rate of Nigerian currency has been strengthened considerably in the last 50 days. The acting President pumped in hundreds of dollars to meet the forex needs of banks and customers. It forced even the black market dealers on currency, to bring down the outrageous high exchange rate of the Nigeria to the dollar. The latter were having a field day, before the acting President came into the scene. It is a known fact that the black market currency trade in Nigeria, is vastly dominated by Northerners. When their kinsman is in power, little or nothing is done to control their activities, which cause the free fall of the naira.
The truth is that Nigeria is on the path out of: dictatorship, tribalism, extra-judicial killings, and economic recession. The generality of well meaning Nigerians, would have wished Osibanjo to continue with his marvelous job, of steering the country into the path of rectitude. But, now that the incumbent President is back from medical treatment, let him emulate the incredible achievement of his deputy while away. Let him build on the legacies this man has left behind in just 50 days. It has opened the eyes of everyone to know, the real problem of this country is in leadership. Nigeria needs a genuine leader, who will not use his position to aid and abate: religious killings and barbarism. We need somebody to put an end to the activities of disguised jihadist army, called Fulani herdsmen. Let it not be they will resume their killing spree, now that their kinsman is back to power. We shouldn’t go back to the era of war against militants in Niger Delta; hiring of foreign mercenaries, and use of war planes in that place. The embattled Nigeria Military has heaved a sigh of relief in the past 50 days, apart from the conflict with Boko Haram. Let us not go back to the era, of fighting multiple and avoidable wars in different geo-political zones, with various code names: crocodile tears, python dance, lafiya and dole, name them.
The crux of problem in this country, is that a particular tribe or a section, believe it has birthright to rule, or lord it over the rest of the country perpetually. God has not made it so. Hausa/Fulani oligarchy in Nigeria has to be addressed, to stop all these wanton waste of lives and property! I thank God the new Chief Judge of the Federation is not from the North. He was sworn in within these past fifty days. Tribalism, Nepotism, Islamization agenda, etc, are killing the country. God gives people, including rulers of nations time to repent from their evil ways. He will first chastise with minor afflictions for them to repent. If they refuse, He can take more severe measures against them. He has the power to remove anybody permanently from any position, whoever the person may be!
HYPOCRISY Of IGBO ELITE Hypocrisy of Igbo elite, contributes in no small measure, to the relegation of Igboland to the backgrounds, by Northern dominated Nigerian Governments, since independence. They allow themselves to be used and dumped, while their home base; the South East remains in perpetual marginalization, by our taskmasters.
When they are at the corridor of power, their selfish interests are paramount, at the expense of their people impoverished by wicked and tribal rulers. As the elites form cultural groups, their main motivation is to assume the leadership for self-aggrandizement. They claim to be spokespersons for the Igbos, and use it amass wealth for themselves; as they betray their tribesmen. They receive huge gratification, including inflated contracts, for their sellout.
Our taskmasters discovered early that the so-called Igbo leaders, can easily betray their people with little enticements. Give them political appointments, or small contract jobs, they will forget about the welfare of their people. And even turn against them. A typical Igbo elite gathers the crumbs that falls from the master’s table at Abuja, coupled with the ones he is able to steal in his small office. He goes to his community in Igboland to show off his ill-gotten wealth.
He deceives his people into giving him a large land, ostensibly to build industry in. This man erects a manson, and fenced it with electrified barbed wire. He installs a giant generating plant in his compound to provide electricity, ignoring all his villagers suffering darkness. As well, he digs bore-hole for water, and allows his kinsmen to trek kilometers daily to the stream to fetch water.
This narrow-minded man has well-fed fierce-looking English dogs, that look like lions in his house; to drive away intruders. He meanders through bad roads leading to his village, with his rugged jeep. He dolls out bundles of currency notes to buy chieftaincy titles, honourary doctorate degrees, and other mundane awards. They are all mediocres!
Igbo elite fighting tooth and nail against Biafran Independence, are motivated by some selfish factors. It ranges from divinations from false prophets, who divine for them of becoming President of Nigeria, to condition to get corrupt charges against them relaxed.
A lot of them patronize fortune tellers and false prophets, in a futile attempt to achieve their narrow political ambitions. They have been duped and deceived in the process, by these agents of Satan, who keep them in suspense. Some of them who aspire beyond the position of Governor, have received divinations they will become President of Nigeria in their lifetime; no specific time frame. Deception.
Their determination to frustrate actualization of Biafran within their limits, is born out of the false messages from Satanic prophets; hoping it will open opportunity for them to rule Nigeria in future. Once in while, they go to those prophets of Baal for more backup messages. Of course, they lavish gifts on them like: cash, bags of rice and some tubers of yams. One day, it will dawn on them they have been duped. The Presidency of Nigeria has become elusive to Igbos for over half a century now.
Another category of saboteurs, are those who looted the treasury blind, while in Government; and are facing numerous corruption charges. They have realized the only way off the hook, is by castigating Biafran agitators, and fighting against them. Then, charges against them will be down-played. Eventually their cases will fissile out. These are stooges and pawns. One thing they should know, is that their subversive activities, cannot withstand the fireworks of the freedom struggle. Moreover, God is very much involved in it.
Certain individuals spear headed this struggle for Biafran independence in the past; but now have yielded to pressures. Raph Uwazurike started well. He suffered a lot; moving in and out of detention. He had countless court cases. Many members of his group were killed by security agents. Eventually, he succumbed to the twin strategies of our taskmasters: gratification and use of force.
Thank God, there are a lot of people today who are resilient. They refuse to yield to bribery and intimidations, including those outside Igboland land who are part of Biafra. Asari Dokubo of River State, is one of them. He is among those doing marvelous jobs, to advance the struggle for Biafran freedom from Nigeria.
Now, Nnamdi Kanu is currently the rallying-point for the agitation for Biafran independence. So far, he has refused to bow to all forms of persecutions. He has been enticed with a lot of goodies like: ownership of many oil wells, Vice-Presidency of Nigeria. These obviously will make him multi-billionaire, if plays down or forget about Biafra entirely. He has declined to go the way of others; and has refused to be intimidated into submission. If he remains consistent, we will achieve our goal.
However, if he compromises like others before him, it will be a temporary setback for Biafra. But nothing can stop the emergence of Biafra. God Almighty is behind it.
God used Moses and Aaron, at the initial stage of liberating the Jews from bondage in Egypt. The elders also gave helping hand, when they approached stubborn Pharaoh. However, God used Joshua to finish the job, when Moses and Aaron failed short of His expectations. All hands should be on deck to get ourselves free from internal slavery, and local imperialism in Nigeria.
INCESSANT KILLING OF BIAFRANS There have been sporadic shooting, and indiscriminate killing of Biafrans, since the renewed agitation for self-determination began in 1998. The security agents especially Army and Police. are being used to gun down people including women and children, in the guise of getting rid of miscreants. Thousands have been killed and detained for no just cause. The current Nigerian Government has been the most brutal in its unsuccessful attempts to stop the agitation. The high level of destruction of lives in Igboland, by security forces and Fulani Herdsmen should be thoroughly investigated and sanctioned by International Community. The least the United Nations can do now, is to send numerous human right monitors to Nigeria, especially in the Southern part. Brutality against those clamouring for actualization of Biafra is uncalled for. There mode of operation is very peaceful, and in no way harmful to the society. Take for instance, the group IPOB (Indigenous People of Biafra), the arrowhead in the struggle for Biafra. The members haven’t killed or harmed anybody, in the cause of their agitation. Of course, they don’t constitute themselves into nuisance to anybody or Government. They are matured and sophisticated in their mode of operation. But, Nigerian Government and her security agents are bent on crushing them. They are branded all kinds of derogatory names, including terrorists. It is the case of giving dog a bad name in order to hang it. My advice to the Northern dominated Nigerian Authorities, is to stop using force on them, or killing them; so that they are not pushed to the wall. This may engender all forms of self-defence. It happened in South Africa during the apartheid regime. After the Soweto massacre of peaceful protesters, the armed wings of ANC and PAC were formed. They began by killing Policemen. A lot of them were gunned down by those freedom fighters. The armed struggle contributed immensely to compelling the apartheid regime to dialogue, and subsequent dismantling of that obnoxious segregation. Today, South Africa is free from apartheid and all forms of operations. Attempts by Nigerian President to clamp down on the voices of dissent, against his tribal Government will have far reaching consequences. You cannot be running a tribal and nepotism Government, with Islamic agenda, and using soldiers and other security agents against critics. If you stop people from airing their views, you drive them under ground. Tyrants who did it, are regretting it today. Gowon is one of the most wicked and ruthless dictators in the world; comparable to Hitler of Germany, who massacred 6 million Jews. About half that number was killed in Nigeria during the despotic rule of Gowon. His arrogance and half education, caused the deaths of millions of people. We hear of tyrants like Idi Amin of Uganda, Emperor Bakassa, and Mengistu Haile Mariam. None of them in Africa whether dead or alive, has caused genocide or massacred of their countrymen like Gowon. He is supposed to be facing genocide and murder charges in the Hague. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone this dictator is still moving about freely, and threatening Biafran agitators who have not killed a fly. Britain, the colonial overlord shielded him, even when he was implicated a bloody coup, in which Murtala Mohamed, the former head of state was brutally murdered. The blood of millions of people, murdered in 1966/67 genocide, mostly women and children will remain on his head. One day, he will answer for his atrocities against his fellow human beings, for the evils that men do live with them.