UN And World Powers Act Now On Biafra
We make passionate appeal to International Bodies, including United Nations and World Powers, to act now on freedom of Biafrans from slavery in Nigeria. Let economic sanctions be imposed on the country, until Nnamdi Kanu is released, and a date for referendum fixed.
Nigerian authorities, including the current President, are dragging their feet to let Kanu off the hook, after series of court judgements, discharging and acquitting him. The Government prefers to release thousands of deadly terrorists and bandits; who commit heinous crimes against humanity. Furthermore, they hate individuals who kick against their gross deprivations and human right abuses of Biafran people. Time has come, for the world bodies to take the bull by the horns.
We love Nnamdi Kanu. He has refused to be bribed or intimidated, to give up the struggle for Biafra Self-determination. He was offered billions of dollars, numerous oil wells, etc, But, he vehemently rejected them. He vowed never to betray his people. He’s the undisputed Biafra leader. We want referendum to be supervised by United Nations, for genuine freedom in Biafra land.
The gross deprivation and oppression against us, have reached the climax; with the overturning of recent Presidential election result our man won. It’s a continuation of the grand conspiracy against Igbos. Hausa/Fulanis and Yoruba collaborators, resolved over fifty years ago, that no Igbo man would ever rule Nigeria.
Peter Obi clearly won the Presidential election, conducted on February 25th, 2023. He won with a very wide margin across the country. But, he was denied victory, mainly because he is an Igbo man from Biafra territory. His victory and case before election tribunal are very glaring. It’s practically impossible to pass verdict against it, in any credible judiciary.
He even won by figures of Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission (INEC), if correctly calculated. In several states, INEC deliberately failed to add up figures in all the Local Government Areas, making up each of the states. That is to say, there was intentional mathematical errors, to add the total sum of votes scored by Peter Obi in all the LGAs of the affected states. The states include: Rivers, Benue and Taraba. Obviously, he won more states that the declared winner from ruling party. Peter Obi won, But APC candidate of the ruling party was rigged in and announced the winner.
The same ruling party, APC candidate failed to secure the mandatory 25% minimum votes required for Abuja. Also, he has hard drug conviction issue; double registration of his Vice; certificate issue and perjury. There is the type of case one will have in the court, even if his senior brother is in charge, he can honestly tell him, that the case is very bad; that his brother’s hands are tied.
The current President in power, was tactfully hoisted on the people of Nigeria, without giving the Election Tribunal enough time to decide the true winner, before swearing in of somebody on May 29th 2023. The case involving the rightful winner, Peter Obi, would have been resolved, if the court was allowed to start on time. It began to sit about three months after the mutilated election result was announced. Nigeria is a country where anything can happen. It’s very dangerous for someone with hard drug criminal record, to be allowed to rule in any part of a country.
Nigerian electoral body (INEC), deleting results from the BVAS/IREV to cover up El total fraud is of no consequence. The data there before the deletion, can be recovered absolutely. A hosted data which is deleted can be hundred percent retrieved; even if it happened many years ago. It’s unlike other data stored in devices, which can be deleted both in the systems and recycling bins.
If INEC and their collaborators, think that by erasing the information in the BVAS/IREV, they will get away with, they are joking. No wonder they claimed sometime ago, they were configuring the equipment, when they requested permission from our rubber-stamp National Assembly. Peter Obi ICT team, knew what they were saying about recovering deleted data from the BVAS. The recovery can be rolled back to any date during or after the Presidential Election.
We therefore call on INEC and the Nigerian Government backers, to release the BVAS for the deleted and stolen votes to be restored exactly. Their hatred for Igbo man to rule Nigeria, is causing all these problems. Allow the Peter Obi who clearly won the election, to be declared the true winner Yet, they talk about oneness of the country. Hypocrites. There is no peace for the wicked
The hatred against Igbos in Nigeria is a cronic one. The lasting solution is for us to be allowed to pull out. and have our Biafra. Even if Peter Obi comes on board as President, it can never be a permanent solution to our plight and slavery in Nigeria. We need to protect the interest of our yet unborn generation. God will help us. Amen.
Open Letter To Nigerian New President Tinubu.
We congratulate you, on the occasion of your taking over from Buhari as the next President of Nigeria. We wish you well. As the Presidential Election result is being hotly contested in court, we urge you to use the opportunity to do the much you can to move Nigeria forward.
Governance in Nigeria needs overhauling. It’s riddled with tribalism, nepotism, religious bigotry, and monumental corruption. There have been selective trials and convictions, of corrupt and serious crime offenders over the years. Purge the Government agencies and officials, of looting the treasury. Take for instance, some public servants from the far North, discovered to have stolen hundreds of billions. They have been left off the hook, after brief appearances in courts.
Put a stop to the large scale looting and smuggling, of our crude oil to other countries. We hear one of the vessels used for smuggling, is three times the size of football field. There is no way such grand smuggling of oil resources will go on, without the consent and active connivance of those at the helm of affairs. A large part of our oil is being stolen on daily basis. Those involved should be rounded up. The concentration appears to be on some petty oil thieves, who use small boats in the creeks to convey fuel in containers.
We wish you take concrete steps, to encourage and grant licenses to individual professionals in Nigeria, to establish private and modular oil refineries. Destruction of those ones termed as illegal refineries, is not helping matters. They can be granted licenses to operate with rules and regulations. As Easterners are involved, nobody will permit. And out of jealousy, security agents are used to destroy the local refineries. Many persons who man those so-called illegal refineries, are highly qualify Engineers and Technologists, who are unemployed.
There’s no need of pumping more billions of dollars, into those moribund four refineries in the country; in futile attemp to resuscitate them. It’s a great waste of time and resources. They can be sold off to private individuals, who can work on them. Dangote refinery needs to be given maximum encouragement. Let crude oil be sold to the company in naira. It will in turn sell the finished products to filling stations and distributors in naira; at a much reduced prices. There is no need for the company to source for crude oil outside the country; or export its products. The company can only sell outside our shores when importation stops: and we have more than enough here.
It’s premature to immediately remove oil subsidy on assumption of office. It has brought untold hardship to us. We appeal you rescind such rash decision, when Dangote new oil refinery has virtually began operation. We expected you to be patient for a space of about one month; and not to plunge the country into this severe suffering. Dangote refinery is about to end importation of finished petroleum products. You are aware Nigerian Government has no functional refinery. Allow this new refinery to continue with the previous fuel pomp price of about #180 per litre, or even less. The company can still make gain. The private company has the right to lower it’s price to benefit the masses.
We will glad if you cut down on the cost of governance. In Nigeria, political office holders are the highest paid anywhere in the world. Yet, poverty is ravaging our land. The money somebody in Government receives in a month, can pay thousands of ordinary civil servants, who are better and more qualified than him. There is so much waste in the land. The nation’s wealth is concentrated on few hands. Wages of ruling class should be slashed drastically, including legislators. Duplication of Government Agencies, and positions should be addressed to eliminate waste.
Workers and pensioners, are owned for months and years in Nigeria. Our people are wallowing in abject poverty, in the midst of plenty. Some Federal pensioners for instance, are owed for upward of 10 years of pensions. Delta Steel company Aladja, Warri pensioners are owned for up to 10 years now. It’s a Federal Government owned company. We will be glad if you give these matters urgent attention they deserve.
We appeal you deal with the menace of terrorism and banditry in the country. You can nib in the bud their nefarious activities, by first rounding up their sponsors; some of whom are top Government officials. They have sustained the wanton destruction of lives and properties, of those outlaws across the country for many years now, shielding them from being brought to book. It is a known fact, that part of the ransom they collect from their victims of abduction, goes to their Northern elite backers.
The fact remains that the atrocities of Fulani Herdsmen, as well as other terrorists and bandits, is central to insecurity anywhere in Nigeria and beyond. For example, Fulani Herdsmen are being used by the Nigerian Authorities, to perpetrate their hidden agenda to take over our land in the East. They are disguised Jihadists foot soldiers, armed with automatic weapons. They destroy our farmlands, burn houses, kill people, as well as rape women and girls. Also, they occupy parts of our lands and forests.
When our people resisted them, Nigerian Government sent soldiers and other security agents, with armoured tanks and war planes, to bomb villages and kill our people, in the guise of fighting secessionists. The crux of the matter, is that soldiers are brought in to shield the Fulani terrorist herdsmen, rampaging in our lands who disguise as cattle rearers.
Eastern Security Network (ESN), came to our rescue. The operatives chased them out of our forests. That’s the main reason why, we don’t have IDP camps in the East; unlike other places in the North, Benue, Plateau, and so on. We wish you use your position, to stop the evil activities of Fulani cattle rearers. Let them relocate to the North with their dirty cows. There are more than enough grazing lands in Northern Nigeria, capable of accommodating all the cattle in West Africa region put together.
We are entitled to self-defence. Our people have been pushed to the wall. If they are looking for lands to share, to the foreign influx of Fulanis from other African counters, there are vast lands in the North. They should stop destroying our crops and raping our females! Those backing such wicked acts must stop. Many of our rulers are religious hypocrites, who don’t practise the tenets of their religion. They use religion and tribalism, to divide and rule the people. The fear of God is not in them at all. They forget that God looks down in the kingdoms of men, to pay everyone according his deeds. He said it shall not be well with the wicked.
We would like your new administration to obey the call of UN, and other International Bodies, and World Leaders, for the release of Nnamdi Kanu from detention. Referendum for the future of Eastern Nigeria is to determined by the people from the area. Nigerian High Court and Court of Appeal, have passed judgement discharging and acquitting Kanu a number of occasions for long. But, he is still being held in DSS dungeon. He’s being detained mainly, for has agitation for self-determination of his people, being subjugated and oppressed in Nigeria with impunity. It’s sad to note none of all the terrorists, and so-called bandits holding the country to ransom, has ever been tried; not to talk of being convicted; despite the atrocities they commit with reckless abandon.
Tens of thousands of them, have been released from captivity by Northern dominated Nigerian Government. We are told to believe they have changed, after killing people and committing all sorts of heinous crimes. A lot of them, are being absorbed into the Armed Forces, Custom Services, and so on. Quite a number of them, have been deployed to the East here. And the burning of houses, shops of innocent people, and the bombing of villages by war planes continue.
We therefore urge you to consider, and address all the issues raised. Then, the country will be relatively peaceful under your administration. Nigerians will never wish to experience, the hell we went through in the past eight years. We will like you to be guided by the genuine fear of Almighty God. And everybody will be happy for it.
Yours Sincerely
Evangelist Joseph U. Afurobi

Dangote Refinery: Commendable Venture.
We want to use this opportunity, to say kudos to Aliko Dangote for establishing a gigantic crude oil refinery in Nigeria. It came at a time all existing local refineries, are grounded by our unscrupulous, corrupt and wicked rulers. Importation of finished petroleum products have become the order of the day; with the fraudulent fuel subsidy running into trillions of naira, being stolen.
The coming to stay of Dangote Refinery, will be a big blow to the grand looters and smugglers of our oil out of Nigeria. The fuel subsidy thieves and their collaborators in government, will have bad market. They will soon discover importing them back as finished products; which they stole and refined in their family refineries abroad, will reduce drastically.
Nigeria is being governed by mediocres to say the least. They are all educated illiterates, irrespective of their high-sounding paper qualifications; some of which are forged. They have done everything possible to ground the four refineries in the country; under the guise of impending turn-around maintenance. They have spent billions of dollars to this effect; with nothing tangible coming out of it. Even, they don’t tolerate any form of modular refineries. All these backward measures have paved way for endless importation and stealing of petroleum products; a country that exports crude oil in commercial quantities. These ill-educated rulers, destroy what they term illegal refineries; instead of granting operational licenses to capable professionals. They run retrogressive government.
We call on Nigerian Government, to give maximum cooperation to Dangote Refinery; the only functioning oil refinery in the whole of Nigeria. They need to supply crude oil to it, in local currency (naira). The company in turn, should be able to sell refined petroleum products directly, to owners of filling stations in naira, at much reduced rate. Let the new refinery not export any of the finished products now; until importation of fuel stops.
Dangote has done a Yeoman’s job: what many Nigerian successive regimes couldn’t do. Let him contemplate building another big one in the country soon. We need more public spirited individuals like him, to help change this country for the better. A lot of our rulers both past and present, are much rich than Aliko. They have the money to establish big refineries everywhere in the country, among other investments. But, they don’t want to bring out their stolen money, which is mostly hidden in banks overseas, to build this country. On the ground, Dangote is only regarded as the richest, as he has visible investments to justify his enormous wealth. Those thieves are concealing their ill-gotten money, as they can’t convince people how they came about it.
Our crooked and retrogressive rulers, shouldn’t be allowed to capitalize on this new private refinery to exploit the masses. There should be no selling of crude oil to firm in dollars; under any pretext. Neither should the company be instructed, to make payment into any foreign account. This is Nigeria; one of the most corrupt countries in world. Anything unimaginable can happen here.
We appeal to you to continue with old price of fuel at #180 per litre, or even less. As a privately owned company, you have every right to do so, to help the masses of this country. You can still make profit. See it as a sacrifice; and your contribution to revive our economy. Don’t allow those fraudulent government officials, to cause you to take decisions that will be against the welfare of the masses. Don’t pay money into anybody’s foreign account, or buy the crude in dollars. Nobody can force you to increase the price of your products, for his selfish interests. May God Almighty continue to lift you up. May He also rescue you from those ravaging wolves in government, who will want to exploit your company, to the detriment of the masses. Amen.
If this young refinery is allowed to thrive, we foresee a bright future for Nigeria. It will go a long way to stabilize the economy. As well, it will conserve our foreign exchange earnings, especially the dollar. Incessant importation of fuel has been the bane of Nigeria economy, and external borrowing. All of us will be better for it.
Why Sudden Fuel Price Hike In Nigeria?
It’s outrageous and wicked for this current Nigerian Government, to hike the price fuel, immediately it came to power. The price was suddenly tripled from #180 to over #500 a litre. It looks like they have grabbed the opportunity they have been scheming for long, to inflict severe hardship on the masses. What is the rationale behind such rash action, when the people are suffering the excruciating pain, of the terrible past administration.
Even the discrepancy in pricing, has already put a huge question mark on this government hoisted on the people. Yoruba States now have lowest in prices of fuel, including Lagos. Oil producing States like Delta and Cross River are among those paying the highest. Yoruba States are non-oil producing area, with the exception of Ondo state. You are just two days in power, and tribalism has already set in.
Why the rush to triple fuel price, when Dangote gigantic refinery is starting production? A God-fearing ruler, who has the interest of the masses at heart, would have deferred action until finished products from the new Dangote refinery, begins to come on board within a month. Our rulers are unscrupulous and heartless, to say the least. Within few moments of being sworn in to rule this trouble country, you announced withdrawal of so-called fuel subsidy. Then, you have plunged the country into chaos.
There must be conspiracy somewhere, to put the common people in Nigeria into perpetual hardship and bondage, by a succession of tribal and cruel rulers. They haven’t been able to maintain the now four moribund oil refineries in the country. Neither can they build new ones by themselves.
Why can’t they be patient, and allow Dangote refinery to fix the prices of its upcoming petroleum products including petrol; as a privately owned refinery? Why is Nigerian President and the “Moribund NNPC” meddling in pricing of fuel? We are supposed to stop importing finished products, as a very huge private refinery is in operation. It has the capacity to produce on daily basis, far more than consumption requirement in the country, and beyond.
Nigerian rulers both past and present, are all educated illiterates, who take pleasure in inflicting untold pains on the people, for their selfish interests. They should allow Dangote to sell fuel to willing buyers at the former pump price of #180 per liter, or even less. He will still make gain. Let him take it as sacrifice to sustain Nigerian economy, in this trying time.
Nigerian Authorities have no moral right to dictate the price of petroleum products. They have failed woefully in their responsibilities to get existing government owned refineries working. Moreover, they have discarded the idea of modular or smaller refineries, owned by knowledgeable individuals. They are ridiculed as illegal refineries and destroyed. It’s just that they don’t want such goods things to come from Eastern Nigeria.
Our rulers are retrogressive in nature. There is a spiritual dimension to the problems plaguing the land. When the righteous is in power, the people rejoice. But, when the wicked is ruling, the people mourn. Our taskmasters (sorry rulers), should go back to God. Nigeria has never produced a true leader. What we have experienced here is a change-over of religious hypocrites, who use religious bigotry and tribalism, to divide and conquer the people.
We therefore call for a change of attitude. “Majority of our top rulers, embrace idol worship in one form or the other; yet they claim to be Christians or Muslims. They worship devils in their closets; as well as consult native doctors or juju priests for fake powers and demonic wealth.
God said, “As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool” –Jeremiah 17:11.

Superlative Performance Of Simon Ekpa And Others.
Mazi Simon Ekpa, is one of the Biafrans playing leading roles, for the actualization of Biafra. He has been working assiduously, to make up for the vacuum created by the incarceration of the main leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in detention. He deserves commendation, and his current position as Biafran Prime Minister in exile.
His activities have paid off, to checkmate the onslaught of Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen; and their Nigerian Security Agents collaborators. This has resulted in reduction in bombing of Biafran villages by the military, as well as burning of houses, and shops of innocent people.
It would be recalled he mounted surveillance equipment, to monitor invasion of our land, by people who don’t wish us well. The hidden cameras, show how roadblocks are being mounted in our remote villages, for extortions and abduction of youths. Armoured tanks are being used in remote areas; to intimidate and harass innocent villagers. He and his colleagues helped to expose atrocities being committed against our people secretly, to the outside world.
Burning of buildings, killings, and use of fighter jets to bomb our rural areas, underscore the high level of hatred of our people by our taskmasters. They want to repeat the atrocities they committed in the 1960s, during Nigerian civil war. The present crop of agitators will never allow such evil to happen again.
His threats, warnings, and ultimatum, to our adversaries, are aimed at warding off impending attacks of our people. It has gone a long way to avert more shedding of blood. For instance, there was a period security agents were burning houses and shops in Awo Mmamma, Izombe, and other parts of Imo State, under flimsy excuses. The Nigerian Government and the puppet Governor of Imo State, kept quiet over those issues as usual. Then, Ekpa gave a strong warning and also gave them terminal date, to stop those barbaric acts. Actually those wicked acts reduced drastically.
At another time, he warned that war planes shouldn’t fly over Bafran airspace. During that period, our oppressors were using war aircraft to bomb, scare our people, and provide cover for Fulani Jihadist Herdsmen. The latter was having field day, destroying our farmlands, occupying forests, burning houses, and taking over our ancestral homes. Soon after the warning and ultimatum, the area bombardment subsided significantly. I admire his boldness and confidence.
During 2023 Presidential Election period, Igbos (part of Biafra) were attacked in Lagos. At a stage, he issued serious warning to those responsible. Within a short time the madness stopped. There are numerous instances he issued warning, to secure release of abducted innocent persons. Simon and his colleagues are doing Yeoman’s job.
He is a peace broker. He makes contribution to the peace and stability of Biafra land. It could be recalled that prior to the Nigerian 2023 General Elections, there was serious tension especially in South East, to fight against election taking place there. Initially, he and other Biafran agitators, stood their ground. But, due to pressure from International Community, he succumbed. He convinced others, and election was conducted in the area. There was no incident involving IPOB and other groups throughout the voting exercise.
It should be an eye opener to all and sundry, our people are peace loving. They struggle for self-determination is with human face; despite attacks and provocations from our oppressors. He deserves to be Prime Minister of Biafran Government in Exile (BGIE). He has demonstrated high sense of commitment to the struggle. Undoubtedly, he has endeared himself to both International bodies and people at home. This man is also making his own effort, to secure the release of Nnamdi Kanu from prison. He is more or less peace Ambassador.
Now, the issue of Unknown Gunmen should be put in proper perspective. It’s the aftermath of Nigerian security agents’ brutality and inhuman treatment of our people, especially the youths. Prior to their emergence, soldiers used to intercept Biafra youths at road checkpoints and torture them. The latter would wield only flags when travelling for burial ceremonies of their members. They would be beaten and humiliated. Sometimes, their hands and feet would be tied, with their clothes removed. They would be commanded to roll in water-logged areas. Their whole bodies would be smeared with mud then. Also they were forced to swim in dirty waters inside gutters. Many of them died. They were dehumanized. But, our oppressors were unconsciously raising unknown gunmen, by their wickedness against the youths and others. After a while, the unknown gunmen sprang up for revenge.
Nnamdi Kanu also warned the security agents for their atrocities. The former governor of Rivers State Wike, connived with Soldiers and Policemen, against people of Obigbo. They committed despicable acts. Women and girls were abducted and raped. Many were killed in cold blood. Terrible things happened. Kanu told them, they were unknowingly creating unknown gunmen, by their abominable acts.
Now, it’s happening. They should first blame themselves, before blaming anybody else. They are feeling the heat. The truth is that they have fallen victim, of their self-inflicted wounds. He who makes peaceful change impossible, will make violent change inevitable.

Clampdown On Christians In Nigeria.
Many Nigerian rulers have a complex: whether inferiority or superiority complex. When Muslim rulers climb to power at any level, they see people of Christian religion as contenders, or outright adversaries. Then, they do everything possible to subjugate and oppress them, under suitable pretext.
That is the crux of the matter, down through the history of this country. You hear of sponsored religious riots in the North; terrorists burning down churches; and kidnap of Christians who pay heavy ransom. You also hear of one legislation or the other, to restrict or cage Christian activities, including holding crusades. Yet, they talk about unity or oneness of Nigeria. This is shear hypocrisy.
Nigerian taskmasters, who are dominated by Muslim North, with Yoruba collaboration, are hell-bent to suppress, humiliate, and reduce Christian population in Nigeria, by all means. They have tried various regulations to cage Christian religion. These include having access to record of Church money. There is another obnoxious bill to seek license before any Church can be established. The satanic bill also requires any Christian to be licensed, before he will be allowed to preach or teach. Christian crusade is the nightmare of any religious fanatic.
All these Satan-inspired laws, and suppression of Christians won’t survive the test of time. Nobody born of woman, can stop the spreading of the gospel. The preaching of the gospel, has gone far beyond Church premises, and crusade grounds. When the chips are down, we will overrun and conquer everywhere for God, As well, we will drive away false religions from the land; despite all man-made obstacles, including backing terrorists against Christians.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” _ 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
Look at the carnage going on in Southern Kaduna for instance. Over one hundred persons, mostly Christian were recently massacred within three days. And nobody is doing anything about it. The country’s President and Governor of Kaduna are both of Muslim religion. Thousands of Christians have been killed, raped, and their house burnt by sponsored Muslim militants for years, under the former Kaduna Governor El-Rufai. He kept quiet over the killings for eight years as Governor. God will judge him.
In the same Kaduna State, a passenger train moving from Kaduna to Abuja was ambushed by Terrorists in the North. They robbed the train, killed many passengers, and kidnapped many; including prominent people. Those pampered hoodlums, had a field day engaging in wanton destruction of lives and property. They decided to be releasing their captives piecemeal, after payment of heavy ransom running into hundreds of millions of naira. Those terrorists made billions, from the kidnap business along with their Northern elite backers. None of them was arrested till date, despite Kaduna being the hob of military installations in Nigeria.
The same Muslim terrorists invaded Kuje prisons in Abuja, and freed all their colleagues in detention there. They even had the audacity to conduct ceremonies and make long speech. No security personnel ever changed or resisted them. Why can’t hypocritical Nigerian Government and their religious bigots roll out law to cage or prosecute them? Their hatred for Christians to survive in Nigeria, will bounce back on them.
They think that reducing Christian population and caging them, will help to perpetuate themselves in power. Those religious bigots, employ the tactics of violence and deprivations, to pursue their narrow, political agenda. There wickedness will find them out. There is nothing hidden under this sun that shall not be made manifest.
God said, the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him. And the wickedness of wicked, shall be upon him –Ezekiel 18:20.
Why can’t they roll out laws both in the National and State Assemblies, against terrorism and banditry ravaging the whole country? Instead, they aid and abet terrorists and bandits, as well as share from ransom collected from victims? Many top government officials are their backers, who benefit financially from the evil business, Why should they keep quiet, when all these atrocities are going on? A lot of Northern Muslim elite are their financiers and patrons.
Those religious hypocrites will be happy to see Churches in Nigeria closed down; and Christians barred from holding elective or high public offices. The truth remains that majority of all those politicians and elite, who parade themselves as Muslims are in occult. Even their Christian counterparts are not left out. They are deeply involved in secret societies. Also, they are patrons to ritual killers, kidnappers and terrorists. They consult juju men or babalawos, as well as having shrines in their homes or offices. I challenge all of them to prove me wrong! They are far from God. These charlatans have skeletons in their cupboards. They use religion and ethnicity, to garner political support to loot the to treasury.
God said, “Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” –Exodus 20:3-5.
Enrique Pena Nieto
Elections are mostly rigged and won in Nigeria, by the highest bidders. They do everything unimaginable to be declared winners, including seeking help from occult pastors. ‘’The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, is not the LORD among us? None evil can come upon us” –Micah 3:11.
You secretly bury charms or animals alive, in your occult church premises. This will allegedly enable you to foresee people’s problems, and see visions for them. You impregnate some of the females who come to you for prayers, and solutions to their various problems. As well, you deceive and have intercourse with them. You speak when God hasn’t spoken to you; out of your vain imaginations. God has begun to judge them. One of them spoke with his own mouth that he will die soon_ this year. False prophets hardly die old. They die suddenly when calamity falls on them.
So many diviners or whatever, have spoken or seen visions at one time or the other, and the opposite happened. They are not bothered; they remain unruffled and continue with their deceit. There is no shame in them. God said, “And if the prophet be deceived when he has spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel” –Ezekiel 14:9.
There are three main sources of revelations. Not everything that glitters is gold. It can come from God, the devil and self. If it’s from God, it must come to pass exactly as it was revealed or said. However, if it’s from the devil, it may not happen at all. There may be partial or hap-hazard fulfillment. Then, some counterfeit prophets will tell you about fifty percent or more of what he revealed came to pass; while the rest failed. The so-called revelation originated from the devil the deceiver. It must be hundred percent fulfilled, before it can be considered to be from the LORD.
Check the bible prophecies and their fulfillment. They are down-to-earth accurate. For instance the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They were all fulfilled meticulously. All those who gave failed visions, concerning the outcome of swearing in of President; are all false prophets. They should keep quiet, and look for something else to do. It doesn’t mean the LORD is happy with what is happening in Nigeria. At His appointed time, He will make the necessary changes.
There are those who see revelation out of their own imaginations (self). They will tell you they had a dream or nightmare, and all that. They will begin to narrate what they saw. It may be untimely deaths and so on. It’s likely they are suffering from typhoid fever or malaria. By the time they take a dosage of the malaria drugs, they can be free from hallucinations. Some make predictions out of their imaginations; what they fill will like happen. It’s like pool betting. When their forecast heats target, they will claim they heard from God; and it came to past. They are vision peddlers.
We therefore call on all those Baal prophets and commercial prophets to repent, and go back to God. For the LORD is a consuming fire. It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. Return you backsliding ministers. You have abandoned the soul winning job the God has committed into your hands. Stop seeing visions for corrupt and occult politicians. Have you summoned courage one day to preach repentance to them. You appear to be after their money; and care little about their souls.
“So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shall hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. When I say unto the wicked, o wicked man, thou shall surely die; if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand. Nevertheless, If thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou have delivered you soul” Ezekiel 33:7-9.


God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.
The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.
The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’s hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.
The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.
Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.
Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed. Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.
The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.
This book is a unique evangelical novel, meant to draw people closer to God; and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Grab a copy to read. Pass it on to others; and you will become a soul winner. Send us your postal address for a copy or copies.
There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then.
The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.
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