Open Letter To President Donald Trump
We thank God Almighty, who has brought you back to power, to serve a second tenure; despite all odds. He miraculously saved you from assassins, and other adversaries. These rescues have shown clearly, the LORD has specific assignments for you to accomplish; as He used persons like Alexander the Great, and Emperor Constantine. They subdued nations.
Our prayers are that you use your position to fight oppression, injustice, and terrorism, all over the world. As a God-fearing man, we expect you to project the name of God Almighty, by raising a standard against gay and fetish practices. God, who has placed you as President of US, is greater than they all. You’re more or less a world leader.
We expect you to help bring stability in the Middle East. All those war mongers and religious bigots there, should be handled with uttermost care. Use the carrot-and-big-stick tactics on them. Israel has the right to exist, in her God-given promised land. The LORD has cautioned some of the nations fighting against Israel, with natural disaster like earthquake. They’re yet to retrace their steps. They should know God is a consuming fire.
United Nations body needs overhauling. That pro-Arab/Islam clique there, should be dismantled; for justice to reign over the nations. A situation where it overlooks the barrage of attacks against Israel; only to raise uproar over defensive measures taken by Israel, should be condemned. Nobody or group of persons, can annihilate or remove them from the land. God single-handedly gave it to them.
You need to focus your attention on international social media, most of which are based in United States. Majority of them are being settled by authoritarian rulers and dictators, to censor or clampdown on the voice of dissent. Many owners of these social media are ungodly persons, who kick against strong admonition on human right abuses, and vices in the society. They restrict, suspend or shutdown such subscribers. Call them to order. Let them allow for free expression to purge the society.
Use your own social media, Truth Social as a shining example for others to follow. Most of us outside Unites States, find it impossible to sign up with Truth Social: whether in Apple Store or Google Play Store. If you resolve the issue of signing up, and allow free speech, Truth Social will be among the most popular social media; if not the most popular itself.
Your achievement will be incomplete, without amending the constitution to stop members of secret societies, from contesting elective positions. Anybody who proclaims publicly that Satan loves him or her, should be barred from contesting elections. The person cannot be dinning and winning with devils, and then rule over the people of God, at the same time. God will kick him out of that position!
Take a cue from the Russian leader who banned the “Temple of Satan,” in his country. Nothing unusual will happen; as the adherents are all undesirable elements in the society.
We want you to play a prominent role, in the actualization of Independent State of Biafra, in your second tenure. Many countries maintain double or hypocritical standards, in their approach to the atrocities being committed against Biafrans, by Terrorist/Islamic Nigerian Government. Crude oil from Biafra land is being mortgaged, to settle leaders of influential countries to fight against our people. They send war planes, armoured tanks, mercenaries, arms and ammunition, in exchange for billions of dollars worth of our crude oil.
The latest betrayal, is the lingering detention of Simon Ekpa by Finland Government. They have succumbed to mounting pressures and mouth-watering offers, from very corrupt Nigerian Government. Prevail on Finland rulers to release Mazi Simon Ekpa. Why are they detaining him now, after all the years he has been in Finland; with their massive support? He symbolizes Biafran struggle.
Compel Nigerian tribal government, to withdraw their war planes, tanks, and their hired forces, from our Biafra land. They have been bombing and killing our people, in remote areas secretly for years now. They use Tulcano Jets from US, to kill a lot of our people in the villages. Decomposing bodies of people killed, including pregnant women, litter the bushes.
We believe the agreement you reached with Nigeria in your first tenure, to supply Tulcano jets and other weapons, was a huge error. Nigeria violates the agreement with impunity, by using the jets and other weapons against people of Biafra, when you left office. Your successor and now your predecessor, didn’t care about the violations. He didn’t bother either to deactivate the war planes, as contained in the agreement if violated.
Instead, there was a conspiracy against our people. Drones, mercenaries, and other heavy weapons, were used against Biafra people; even robot-operated military tanks. It got to a stage some of the heavy weapons were captured. Our people were give ultimatum, and threatened to return those deadly weapons to our enemies. But God intervened; for He reigns in the kingdoms of men. He removes whoever He wants from whatever position; and replaces him with whoever pleases Him. The LORD actually removed somebody from power.
We praise God you’re back. I am among those who believe, you have unfinished assignments to complete; right from the time you left office, four years ago. Nigerian Authorities should stop oppressing and killing our people. They collude with terrorist groups in the North. They are all in armed business, at the expense of lives and property of innocent people. Most of those being sent to Biafra land, are terrorists and bandits, hurriedly recruited, given uniforms and guns to operate. We cannot be under servitude of our haters forever. They’re not God who created us.
They should leave our land, and face those armed gangs in the North, and Yoruba land. Somebody whose house is on fire doesn’t pursue rats. We appeal you deactivate all the war planes supplied to Nigerian. Impose arms embargo on them until they leave our land. They shouldn’t provoke our people, to take the battle to their own door-steps. Our people are currently defending our land against terrorists, and other disguised invaders.
Finally, we appeal you give recognition to Biafra Restoration, that was declared late November/December 2023. Encourage other countries to recognize and support Biafra. May God Almighty, continue to guide and protect you, as you accomplish your great assignments, in the years ahead. Amen.

Finland Government: Release Simon Ekpa
We urge Government of Finland, to release the Biafran leader, Mazi Simon Ekpa; and end his incessant arrests and detention. This is occasioned by mounting pressure, from desperate tribal Nigerian Government. Each time you place him incommunicado, it adversely affects the protection of our people in Biafra land. It gives Nigerian rampaging forces, the chance to engage in wanton destruction of lives, and property of our people.
We won’t forget to commend you, for the great moral and material support given to Simon Ekpa, and his colleagues, in the Biafra freedom struggle for some years now. You have actually done more than any other country, in the history of Biafra struggle. But, your recent actions of arresting and detaining him at will, have left much to be desired. Let it not be, you have succumbed to the desperation of Nigeria Islamic Government, which want us in Biafra to remain their perpetual slaves. Don’t adhere to their whims and caprices, by disrupting the activities of Biafra Government in exile. Succession of Nigerian regimes hate Igbos (Biafrans), with passion.
They mortgage crude oil from our Biafra land, to bribe and settle highly placed individuals, and nations, in order to have their way against us. They bribed Kenyan Government heavily, to enable them kidnap Nnamdi Kanu, and send him to Nigeria, where he is being detained and tortured. We are baffled by Finland sudden change of attitude. We are opposed to, and highly determined to stop any attempt to “sell” Ekpa to our sworn enemies. We therefore urge world leaders, including President Donald Trump, to put an end to such obnoxious act and betrayal.
The frequent arrest, detention, and so-called questioning of Simon, is a gross betrayal of Biafra struggle from bondage. It’s a calculated attempt to frustrate him under suitable pretext. We are not going to fold our hands, and watch maneuvering, shady deals, harassment and humiliation of Biafran leaders. Our voice cannot be suppressed. God Almighty is solidly behind this complex struggle; full of betrayals and sabotage. Nobody born of woman can scuttle it; no matter how highly placed he may think he is. The LORD can remove him from that exulted position, without notice.
Biafra movement didn’t begin with those individuals you arrest, re-arrest and detain at will. And it won’t end with them. Most of them were not born when Nigeria-Biafra war broke out; including Simon Ekpa and Nnamdi Kanu. Ekpa was born about 15 years, after the civil war ended in 1970. Their incarceration can never end Biafra. Has the lingering detention and trial of Nnamdi Kanu, weakened the struggle? It hasn’t. Rather, it has escalated it. There are hundreds of Simon Ekpas and Nnamdi Kanus in Biafra land. Our adversaries and their puppets, cannot stop us. This young generation of Biafra freedom fighters, cannot be bribed or intimidated into submission.
There are some bitter lessons to learn, from the highly sponsored clampdown on our Biafra leaders, in Finland. Don’t put all your trust in any man. He can disappoint you at anytime. Make alternative arrangements in whatever you do; in the face of looming sellout and disappointment. Put all your trust only in God. He can neither fail nor forsake you. He is our main source of help. Human beings can be channels He uses to reach us. Any human channel can fail. We are living in a world full of bribery and corruption. Your best friend can betray, or use you to make huge money tomorrow.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart. I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings” _Jeremiah 17:9-10.
There is no place to compare with your ancestral home; even if it’s covered with bush. One day, the bush will be cleared. You may put in effort to develop other people’s land. You can acquire citizenship of a foreign country; join their army; and do a lot more for them. But, one day something strange can happen. They can deny or turn against you, or hand you over to your enemies. Take for instance, Lagos in Nigeria. Igbos are being maltreated and humiliated there as strangers. They’re being forced to leave Lagos: a place they worked very hard to develop for decades. Their investments are being destroyed systematically, for flimsy excuses by those at the helm of affairs.
Take a cue from what befell Israelis in Egypt. Initially, they were welcomed in the land of the Pharaohs. They moved to the choice part of the land, Goshen. And they enjoyed their stay there. As time went on, a new ruler emerged who didn’t like them. He therefore dealt with them. Eventually, they were frustrated, and managed to escape by the mighty hand of God. Plan to get out of that place and relocate; come back home when the situation permits. When the chips are down, it will dawn on you that there is no place like home.
We therefore call for a change of attitude, on the side of Finland Authorities. You cannot think of playing double standard now; after unprecedented support for the cause of Biafra. Don’t relent in your wonderful backings. We are on the verge of achieving Biafra, whether Satan likes it or not. Even if you are getting tired of them; you can allow them enough time to relocate; and not by arresting and humiliating them every now and then.
As you do so, may God Almighty bless your land. May He protect your country from internal and external aggression. Let your land be peaceful; devoid of any form of natural disaster. Amen.

Menace Of School Dropouts And Drug Addicts In Power
One of the worst things to befall any country, is for a school dropout or drug addict, to govern it. Combination of the twin evils in a person, makes matters worse. Dropouts from schools and those on hard drugs, are not eligible to govern any country or territory. They are lawless, ungodly, blood testy, and diabolical. These set of persons can commit any despicable acts, and their conscience won’t prick them.
They’re not mentally stable to rule with human face. School dropouts have certain things in common, with cult members while in school. They don’t obey laws of the land. Cultism, drug taking, and criminality are interwoven. All hardened criminals take drugs and weeds. It’s easy for drug addicts or pushers, to fall out from school. They can’t concentrate on their studies while in schools. They usually spend more years in school to graduate, or fall away completely.
School dropouts and drug addicts, have negative intelligence to divide and rule the people. They’re crafty, crooked, and dishonest people. The fear of God is not in them. They’re morally decadent people, and rascals.
Most countries in the world, take issues of academic qualifications and drug addiction very seriously, before allowing candidates to contest elections. Moreover, anybody contesting for office of President, must be thoroughly scrutinized. A President or any leader, is a reflection of what is happening in his country or domain. If he is a God-fearing and exemplary leader, it will impact on the people he is governing. But, somebody who takes hard drugs and is ill-educated, will impact negatively on the people. Illegality, lawlessness, and economic woes, will become order of the day. A fetish ruler can be dangerous to his subjects.
Many aging, sit-tight civilian dictators in African countries, want to force themselves to remain in power; even when they are not fit to rule at all. They want to lord it over the down-trodden masses; and loot the treasury with impunity. The end result is anarchy, chaos, bloodshed, and divisions everywhere. They use their ill-gotten wealth, and personality cults they have built around them; to bribe and force their way to power.
As time goes on, they develop authoritarian and sit-tight mentality. They are ready to do anything to remain in power. They massively rig the electoral process, bribe judges, use Police and Military, to brutalize and subdue any protest against them.
Young military officers ruling in some African countries, are doing creditably well. They are educated enough and humane, in their dealings with their people. As well, they have sound mind; not polluted by drug addiction and all worth not. Civilian coup (rigging of election and bribing judges), should be more condemned than outright military coup.
Major problem the young military rulers in African countries face, is their refusal to compromise their natural resources, with former colonial masters and other imperialist agents, to plunder and loot. They don’t want to be puppets of those foreign parasites. We hope these young, dynamic leaders emerging in African countries, won’t copy the sit-tight, aging authoritarian rulers, who allow former colonial masters to plunder their natural resources, and supply obsolete military equipment and old, noisy war planes.
ICC: Investigate Atrocities of Nigeria Against Biafra
We call on world bodies like United Nations, and International Criminal Court (ICC), to investigate the massacre, genocide, abductions, etc, against Igbos (Biafra) since the year 1966. The rape, killings of millions, destruction of property of our people in Nigeria, is unprecedented in any other part of the world. Even up to this present government, the secret killing of our in the North and in Biafra land, is ongoing.
All the successive Nigerian rulers, involved in the killing of our people, should be brought to justice; together with their principal actors. Yakubu Gowon and his top commanders, are overdue to be charged with war crimes. His is pretending to be sick now. It’s a ploy to escape justice.
That ill-educated military junta, committed a lot of heinous crimes, along with his cohorts, that can never be swept under the carpet. During his tyranny, people were thrown into boiling water, buried alive, infants thrown into pit toilets, among other atrocities. He has been beating his chest, and boasting of evils he committed against Igbos. Ones in a while, he sheds crocodile tears for the evils he did. He is a little better than Satan. If ICC can’t prosecute him; then the relevance and impartiality of that body should be seriously questioned. Its leadership should be overhauled.
Buhari, was the apex leader of terrorists and bandits in the North, when he was in power. He also transformed Fulani herdsmen into armed militia, to invade communities: kill people and take over their lands. They raped women and girls, as well as burning houses. He was almost a stark illiterate, who had no regard for human lives; apart from his Fulani kinsmen. He should also be charged, for impersonating a dead person.
This current regime should be held accountable for evils being committed against our people. Killing of our people is still going on secretly in Northern Nigeria; and their property looted or burnt. Nobody cares to do anything about it; as the hatred of Igbos is so much. Needless to say, they’re being excluded and suppressed, in the scheme of things.
Let the world body carry out thorough investigation, on the bombing of Biafra land, by military aircraft and tanks. Dead bodies of victims litter the bushes, farm lands and villages. There was a time dead bodies of people killed by terrorists in uniforms, filled up mortuaries including the ones in Federal Medical Centres. Even individuals were encouraged to build mortuaries, to take in the increasing number of dead bodies.
A lot of killings and burning of houses, are going on in Biafra land. Nigerian military has a long history of indiscriminate bombing of civilian population, and killing people in mass. Sometimes they blame it on error. Let them withdraw their military aircraft, tanks, terrorists in uniforms, from our land. They should also withdraw foreign and local mercenaries, they recruited to cause mayhem in our land. Let them leave. Those at the very top ruling over us, have questions to answer on what is going on here.
Let the UN and other international bodies, ban Nigeria from using war planes, military tanks, and other heavy weapons in our land Biafra They should be sanctioned. It’s hypocritical for them to connive with those terrorists/kidnappers in the North, to come and destroy our land. They should bear it in mind, we are no longer in the 1966 era, when they massacred our people and got away with it. This young generation of Biafrans won’t tolerate it from them. You cannot force us to remain in Nigeria as your slaves perpetually.
Nigeria: Not United In Diversity
There is nothing like unity in diversity in Nigeria. It’s a false statement, meant to deceive the public. Nigeria is like a house built on a very faulty foundation. It’s a matter of time, it will crumble and fall like a pack of cards. The signs are evident everywhere for everybody to see.
Britain sowed seed of discord among the major tribes of Nigeria, before stepping aside. They brainwashed Hausas/Fulanis and some other groups in the country, never to allow any Igbos (Biafrans), to rule Nigeria. They were told the latter are creative and intelligent people. Allowing them to rule, means the rest people will be relegated to the background. That was the genesis of hatred of Igbos in Nigeria.
Truth of the matter was that British officials, were looking for gullible set of persons, they can easily manipulate and cheat. They were found among the Northerners. Since they handed over power to their puppets, it has been suppression and subjugation of Igbos all the way.
Another dimension to irreparable divisions in Nigeria, is what they see a threat of Christian religion. Incidentally, Igbos are over 99 percent adherents to the Christian religion. Therefore, the hatred and subjugation are more pronounced. Most of those Islamic bigots from the Northern and Western parts of the country, are not God-fearing persons. They’re very far from God. Many of them are occult members. They use religion and tribalism, to further their selfish political ambitions.
Nigerian rulers down through the ages, including military juntas, see Christian religion as a big threat to their political ambitions. Therefore, they do everything they can to clampdown, on spreading and sustenance of Christianity. They do so directly or indirectly. They ban spreading of the gospel in many public places. Getting Police permit and the rest of them is difficult. To secure permission to hold crusade in Northern Nigeria, is a big problem.
When the Northern elite, discovered the restriction on Christians were not caging them enough, they began to use rioters to destroy property of Christians, and burn their houses. Later, the Northern elite began to raise terrorists groups and bandits, to burn Churches and fight against Christians. Then, the jihad mentality came up. The so-called jihadists are armed with sophisticated weapons; and disguise as Fulani herdsmen. They’re being used to invade communities, mostly in Christian areas, like Middle Belt states and Eastern Nigeria. Their mission is to kill and displace people; then take over their ancestral lands, to build Fulani settlements, or Muslim communities.
The main objectives of all these terrorist groups and bandits, springing up here and there, are to depopulate Christians and destroy their property. The enmity against Christians and Igbos is irreconcilable. The lasting solution is for us to go our separate ways. We can be good neighbors if they are sincere. We are not compatible at all to co-exist. In order to stop more bloodshed and undeclared war going on, let us stay on our own. The era of killing Igbos and getting away with it, has gone forever. Our people are ready to carry the battle to their own doorsteps. Nobody has the monopoly of violence.
Peter Obi an Igbo, won the 2023 Presidential ticket in Nigeria clearly. But, he wasn’t allowed to rule the country. There was a serious gang-up against him. The Electoral body, Judiciary, law enforcement agents, and others were used against him.
There is a conspiracy since after the Nigeria civil war, that no Igbo man should ever be allowed to govern the country. And they are sticking to it. Where then is the so-called unity in diversity? All those occult rulers are flagrant liars.
Nigerian leadership in build on faulty and terrible foundation. School dropouts, fetish and ill-educated persons, have taken over the governing of the country. They don’t have the fear of God at all. Bloodshed and massive looting of the crude oil money, have become the order of the day.
The only thing holding the country together, is the crude oil in Biafra land. It’s being mostly stolen by those ruling over us. There is very large crude oil deposit in Bauchi state, and some other Northern region. They don’t want to drill the oil. They are waiting for the one in Biafra to be almost exhausted, before they start drilling. And they don’t want other parts of Nigeria to benefit from it, except North. There’re large deposit of solid minerals like gold in North and West. They keep them to themselves. And they don’t want to present them to be shared as national cakes. All their eyes are on the crude oil in the South. Selfish and wicked people.
Anytime you hear those hypocrites talk about one Nigeria; or unity in diversity, it’s due to the crude oil in Eastern part of the country. The day the “umbilical cord” will be cut, it will be every man to his tent Oh Israel.
Self-Determination Agitators Are Not Rebels.
Most of the resistance agitators in many countries, including African countries are tagged rebels. But they have genuine grievances. Colonial masters used divide-and-rule tactics, to install puppet and tribal rulers, before they left.
Those tribal rulers and dictators, suppress other tribes which are not in power; especially minority tribes. A conflict develops. Colonial countries like Britain and France, give massive military support to the puppet and wicked rulers, they handed power to. Those colonial parasite nations, ginger the authoritarian rulers, to go for all out war to crush the rebels. The former will send sophisticated weapons, including war planes and armoured tanks to “Flush out rebels.” Billions of dollars what of natural resources like crude oil, are paid to them for their military and diplomatic support.
Most of the so-called rebel groups or freedom fighters, are really oppressed by the unscrupulous, tribal rulers in power; backed by imperialist forces. But the major problem agitators have, is the lack of ability to air their views effectively; for the world to hear and understand their plight. During post colonial era, freedom fighters (sorry rebels), were almost in the dark, news wise. They couldn’t withstand the flurry of lies and propaganda, against them by oppressive government who controlled the media. It’s unlike nowadays, we have social media; where one can express his views clearly, for the world to know what is really happening in his locality.
Authoritarian rulers use news blackout, to carry out massacre or genocide against other tribes they hate. Take for instance, successive Nigerian Government have been aiding and abetting the systematic repression, destruction of lives and property of Igbos (Biafrans), out of hatred. They’re hated in Nigeria out of jealousy, due to their ingenuity. It’s reminiscent of hatred of Pharaoh of Egypt and Egyptians on the Jews. They felt threatened by the great potentials of Jews; and setup taskmasters to subjugate them. The Israelis cried unto God for help; and He pulled them out of Egypt; and delivered from the clutches of the wicked.
Before British overlords left Nigeria, they instructed the Hausas/Fulanis never to allow Igbos to rule over them; else they were finished. That was the beginning of the oppression of our people with Yoruba collaborators. Practically, all oppressed groups in the world are in similar situation. They are yearning for freedom from bondage and evil rulers.
But, many of them are going about it in a wrong way. They embark on killing of civilians, burning of houses, etc, in retaliation. They need to channel their pursuit and indignation properly. By getting involved in social media, International Community will have direct information, on what they are facing. You have the right to self-defence and self-preservation; against those that come to kill and destroy you, and your people.
Take a cue from the mature manner, most Biafran agitators are handling freedom struggle. They don’t believe, in the wanton destruction of lives and property of innocent civilians, in retaliation for attacks by government sponsored gunmen. Otherwise, they will be portrayed as terrorist organization. Media war is the main war. About 80 percent of the war is fought on the media. We have grossly defeated Nigerian Authorities, in the media war this time around, due to the presence of social media. We utilize the media opportunity more effectively. The world now knows much about the atrocities against Biafrans in Nigeria: quite unlike what happened during Nigerian civil war in the year 1967-1970. We were almost incommunicado, from outside world. A lot of lies and falsehood were dished out against us.
Now, we have overwhelming international support for Biafra actualization. The law anywhere permits self-defence, even in the scriptures. Remember Esther and Mordecai, who organized their people to fight against their haters. If somebody comes to kill you, but you’re able to overpower him. If he dies in the process, the law allows it. When someone abuses you, you can ignore. If he slaps you, you can even overlook him. But, when he wants to kill you, you need to rise up and defend yourself. Don’t fight against innocent people.
Today, the Hausas, Fulanis and other tribes, doing legitimate business in our land, move freely. Our struggle to be free from oppressive Nigeria, has human face. We observe that generality of ordinary Hausas/Fulanis, love to live their normal simple lives. However, their elite kinsmen want to use them, to perpetrate evils against other tribes; for their narrow selfish, political ambitions. These callous elite use the poor “Talakawas and Almajiris,” for wanton destruction of lives and property. Meanwhile, their own children are in the best schools abroad, living lavish and prodigal lives.
Many ordinary Northerners, engage in legitimate business here in Biafra land. They sell cloths, food stuffs like: rice, yams and beans. Also, they buy “Ayan kwondem” (condemned iron) from people to resell. They move out in the morning; and come back later with barrow-load of ayan kwondem. They resell them, and used part of the proceeds to take care of themselves. The following day, they will go out for more. If you go and attack such people, you’re shedding innocent blood. They’re not the ones responsible for your plight. Face you real enemies.
Today, the generality of people all over the world see Biafrans, as genuine and humane freedom fighters.
Only God Can Really Bring Biafra
God Almighty is at the centre of Biafra struggle, for freedom from oppressors. It’s not by might nor by power, but by my spirit said the LORD of hosts_ Zechariah 4:6.
Biafra struggle has been on for almost 60 years now. It began in the year 1966. That was shortly after the massacre of our people, in Northern Nigeria. We have had succession of leaders spear-heading the agitation; each making some impact before leaving the stage. Struggle for Biafra independence is a complex one; sabotage and betrayal everywhere.
Right from the inception of the agitation, Nigerian successive regimes, have been so desperate to stop Biafra. They bribe people and with billions, to sabotage efforts of their colleagues. Saboteurs contributed to our loosing in Nigerian-Biafra war, which ended in January 1970. Since then, our haters have been infiltrating the rank and file of the freedom fighters, with huge offers to abandon the struggle, or betray their colleagues.
However, they have found Nnamdi Kanu and Simon Ekpa, as hard nuts to crack. The duo have been offered money and property running into billions of dollars, to drop Biafra agitation. They’ve in their desperate moves, been able to buy over virtually all top politicians, elite groups, etc, from Igboland. But, they find it extremely difficult, to breakthrough this young generation of Biafrans; most of whom were born after the Nigeria-Biafra civil war ended. Their fathers and grandfathers fought the war. This time around, they have vowed to end the slavery.
Nigerian Authorities have been spending billions of dollars, from our crude oil, to settle leaders of nations to stop Biafra. Sometimes, they us the crude oil money to buy obsolete war planes, and other weapons at outrageous prices. They claim to be using the military hardware, on terrorists in the North. But, they are using them against our people.
They’re using the crude oil, to cause many country leaders to change their stand on Biafra; with the help of Britain that parasite, imperialist nation. They spent heavily to get Nnamd Kanu trapped in Kenya, and later brought him to Nigeria. Now, their desperation has shifted to Finland, to get hold of Simon Ekpa. Despite stiff resistance from Finland Government, they are pushing their way through; bribing at every stage. How long will their desperation carry them? Time shall tell.
From all that have happened, we shouldn’t put all our trust in any man, or his country. There’s a limit to which an individual, or country can help you. Human beings can fail you; but God can never fail or forsake you. Look unto God where your help comes from. The LORD is your source; humans are channels by which He can help you. The channels can disappoint you anytime.
God Almighty will give us Biafra; just as He pulled Israelis out Egypt, and gave them the promised land, they’re occupying till today. No amount of bribery or force will stop it. The gate of hell shall not prevail, against God’s plan for us. Let them exhaust their maneuvering, and manipulation of some nations’ leaders. They can continue to mortgage our crude oil, to buy sophisticated weapon, and to bribe here and there. No amount of intimidation and force will stop us.
The LORD allowed Pharaoh and his surrogates, to exhaust their repressive tactics against the Jews. For years, they committed all manner of atrocities. They turned the Hebrews to slaves, killed many of them; especially the infants. But, when the fullness of God’s time came, He avenged the blood of his people. He killed a lot of Egyptians: including thousands of their soldiers, drowned in river Nile. All their well-mapped out plans, to retain Israel as their slaves came to nothing. God dealt with them ruthlessly.
All the individuals and countries, sending weapons and mercenaries to fight against our people, should watch it. It shall not be well with them. The LORD won’t fold His hands and watch you, fight against oppressed people. He has the power to remove you from that exulted position. He can allow natural disaster to strike any part of your country. Then, you will discover the devastation the disaster will cost, will be much more than the money, you can make from fighting aggrieved people.
Behold the goodness and severity of God. He is a consuming fire.
God’s Judgement Upon Adulterous And Idolatrous Shepherds.
Activities of adulterous and occult ministers of the gospel, grieve God. They’re great barriers to winning of souls into the kingdom of God. Like the Scribes and Pharisees, they constitute themselves into nuisance to advancement of word of God. They are religious hypocrites who are doomed: unless they repent from their wicked and ungodly acts. For God is no respecter of persons.
You shall know them by their fruits. Their lifestyles are quite contrary to what they preach, or teach to people. They wallow in iniquity, and care little about the damage they cause in Christendom. Many of them are in the top hierarchy of Church denominations; controlling large territories and branches. They don’t fear God. Nobody dares to challenge their wayward lives; for fear of victimization.
A lot these wolves in sheep clothing, are even apex leaders of various big Christian denominations, with branches all over the place. They see their exulted positions, more as academic or business achievements. These hired shepherds are into secret societies, where they obtain and sustain their evil powers to operate. There’re two notable conditions given to the occult ministers: for them to operate unhindered. They shouldn’t preach or teach hard on idolatry and immoralities. In these sins they themselves are highly immersed in.
Watch out for occult Clergy or Pastors. They hardly speak out against idol worship, or sexual perversions. Even when they talk on those issues, they make superficial references; very briefly. They make passing comments, or rub them on the surface.
There are certain portions of the bible they can never quote or minister from. These are areas that have to do with idolatry and sexual perversions. They avoid the scriptural passages like lepers. Why are occult or counterfeit ministers, afraid to preach or teach against strongly against sins; especially idol worship and fornication? They find it difficult to talk against something they deeply involved in. They also know the consequences, of disobeying the directives of devils, they obtain their evil powers from. Materialistic preachers!
How can they condemn publicly, what they deeply indulge in secretly? These charlatans lack the moral stamina to preach against fetish practices, adultery, gay, and other illicit sex. The day they begin to disobey the devils’ instructions, by speaking against idol worship and fornication, will mark the beginning of the end of their diabolical powers. Their evil powers to perform false miracles, and give lying prophecies will be withdrawn. If time is not taken, they will be disgraced publicly, and leave the evil ministry.
You cannot serve two masters at the same. Many of them even doubt God’s existence; despite their very high positions in the Church. Sometime ago, an apex leader of global Christian denomination, said he personally doubt the existence of God Almighty. Then, who called him to the priestly work? Obviously, he wasn’t chosen by the LORD. He called himself, or was placed in that seat by men. He got to that post through academic attainment; or lobbying people to get there.
These heartless clergymen, engage their members in uncontrollable sexual intercourse: whether they’re married, widowed or single. They deceive the gullible women and girls, by misquoting the bible. As well, they frustrate female ministers out of their enclaves, who refuse to succumb to their sexual advances. Like Potiphar’s wife, they falsely accuse the unyielding males or females of sexual sins. Today, many of their innocent victims, have been suspended or sacked through false accusations.
Christ lamented on the iniquities of Scribes and Pharisees; who are represented by numerous Clergymen today. He said, “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for you neither go in yourselves, neither suffer you them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore you shall receive the greater damnation. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves” – Matthew 23: 13-15.
They should turn a new leaf, before it’s too late. By the time they die and go to straight to hell, they will realize God is a consuming fire. God said, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” _ Matthew 18:6.


God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.
The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.
The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’s hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.
The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.
Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.
Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed. Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.
The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.
This book is a unique evangelical novel, meant to draw people closer to God; and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Grab a copy to read. Pass it on to others; and you will become a soul winner. Send us your postal address for a copy or copies.
There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then.
The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.
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