The emergence of Buhari as Nigerian President, has given ray of hope in the battle against corruption. Since independence from British, the country has been plagued with leadership problem that has given rise to: tribalism, civil war, monumental corruption, and agitation for self-determination of Biafra. Nigeria is in search of a true, detribalized leader.
President Muhammadu Buhari started well when he took over power on May 29th 3015. He went for treasury looters: for Governors, Cabinet ministers, and some other aides of his predecessor. President Jonathan. Generality of the people supported him. Huge some of money stolen by political office holders was recovered in: bank accounts, homes, overhead tanks, etc. actually he has made more efforts than any other Nigeria ruler to fight corruption.
Then, it became obvious the war against treasury looters, is concentrated mostly on the past administration of Jonathan, and his Party (PDP) Governors. Other former rulers, including military juntas, and ruling Part (APC) ex-Governors are left untouched. Those rulers who looted the country blind for: eight, nine, and even twelve years, have been left off the hook. They are all emergency billionaires along with their surrogates. The masses are clamouring for holistic approach, away from the present selective arrest and prosecution of mostly political opponents. Let him take the courageous steps to recover stolen money and assets, of all who have ruled Nigeria since independence in 1960; as well as past and serving governors, ministers, commissioners, and so on.
The greatest undoing of this present Government is the composition of mostly Northerners in key positions in the country. It has escalated agitation for sovereign State of Biafra, and militancy in South-South geopolitical zone. For the first in the history of Nigeria, the three arms of Government: legislature, Judiciary and Executive, are being controlled by Northerners. Most of the service chiefs are from the North. The Chief of Staff, National Security Adviser, Defence minister are all Northerners.
Most of the ‘front line’ positions of the country in: customs, immigration, judiciary, Electoral Commission, Directorate of Security Service, are manned by his tribesmen (in North). The truth of the matter is that he is currently running a tribal Government.
However, we want him to succeed in power. That is why we canvass for support for recovery of looted money and assets by previous rulers, both at home and abroad. When will Nigeria produce a truly, trivialized leader? Only God can answer the question.
Now, we advise him to handle the agitation for self-determination with caution.
Evangelist Joseph U. Afurobi
We urge Nigerian new President Buhari, to put an end to the systematic genocide going on in the north, against South Easterners (Igbos), residing there. So many of them have lived there from their childhood. Many were born there. These killings have been going on for decades now. The killing of Ibos in the North, spanned Gowon era; when millions of them were massacred. He did virtually nothing to stop it. Rather, he adopted hypocritical approach.
All successive Governments in Nigeria; both military and civilian, treated the genocide issue with kids’ gloves. It appears the South Easterners have no strong voice to point out evil going on. They are regarded as people of no consequence. Moreover, nobody from that part of the country has ruled since about five decades now. Since after the civil war (1970) till now, there is hardly any hamlet in Igboland that has not been bereaved of persons killed in the North by rioters or terrorists. The Maitasine sect (marching to sin), and now Boko Haram are not left out.
Many Northern elites sponsor the killing, arson, rape, looting, and destruction of our people’s property, for their selfish political reasons. They use religious fanatism and tribalism to pursue their inordinate political ambitions. These wicked persons use their stolen money to finance; as well as brainwash those illiterate and semi-illiterate rioters and killers: to believe they will be greatly rewarded in paradise, including marrying virgins, should they kill the infidel (Ibos and other southerners to a lesser extent), and destroy their property.
South Easterners who live in the North: including Kano, Adamawa, and Borno States, have become endangered species in their on country. When two Islamic sects have squabbles, their anger will be vented on innocent Ibos staying nearby. No single person has ever been prosecuted or sentenced, for all these atrocities going on in the North. They use the wanton destruction of lives and property of innocent people, to demonstrate their religious and tribal zeal, with impunity.
These elite sponsors, many of whom are highly placed persons in the society, shout “One Nigeria” loudest. Hypocrites! Their identities are not far fetched. They are the same crop of persons who finance terrorism and insurgency in the country. They think of what to do with their looted billions. To invest the money on employment generating ventures, will cause people to question their sources of wealth. Then, they decide to use it to sponsor: terrorism, riots, and all worth not.
All these rubbish must stop. If they try it again, they will regret it. Time has come for the International Community, including UN Security Council, to carry out thorough investigations into the series of: killings, riots, and terrorism, going on in the North and other parts of the country for decades. Those behind all these atrocities should be apprehended, and tried by ICC. Quite a number of them are more wicked and dangerous than Charles Taylor of Liberia, who has been imprisoned for over 50 years by ICC. If they escape judgement of men, they can’t escape the judgement of Almighty God. He will surely fetch them out of their fortified mansions, built with looted or stolen money.
The scripture says, “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be you envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yes, I sought him, but he could not be found. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace—Ps 37:1-2. 35-37.
Struggle for sovereign State of Biafra is a very legitimate one, with incontrovertible reasons. The Nigerian Government needs to dialogue with them, and other militant groups. Military force alone can never put an end to the crisis; neither can it stop the bombings. Lasting solution to the problem lies in addressing their grievances, which include marginalization and subjugation of other ethnic groups.
Some of their grievances are that over 80% of the oil blocks are owned by Northerners. They also dominate the marketing of the petroleum products. They said if substantial oil blocks are given to people from South South, issue of oil theft or smuggling will be taken care of. This local imperialism has to be addressed. Their farmlands and fishing waters have been devastated by oil exploring companies who care little about environmental degradation of the area. Their means of livelihood has badly been affected.
Let President Buhari, learn a lesson from the arrogance and inaction of one-time military junta, Gowon during the genocide against South Easterners (Igbos), in 1966/1967.His hypocritical handling of the mass killing, led to the deaths of millions of innocent people; and outbreak of Nigerian civil war in 1967.
At a tender age of about 29 years, he emerged as Military Head of State from a bloody and brutal coup, in which former Head of State, Aguiyi Ironsi was brutally murdered. His greatest undoing was that he took counsel of young people, to declare total war on Igbos. Like the one-time king of Israel, Rehoboam.
“And king Rehoboam consulted with the old men, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, and said, How do ye advise that I may answer this people? And they spoke unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever. But he forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that
were grown up with him, and which stood before him:
And he said unto them, What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, Make the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter? And the young men that were grown up with him spoke unto him, saying, So shall you speak unto this people that spoke unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto us; thus shall thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s loins. And now whereas my father did laden you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. (I Kings 12:6-11). His pomposity caused the division of the country.
Gowon once boasted he would crush Biafran rebellion within 24 hours, which he couldn’t. He ought to have been invited by International Criminal Court (ICC), to explain his role in the avoidable genocide against Igbos. He relied on the so-call non-interference in the ‘internal affairs’ of member African countries, to get away with the atrocities against Igbos, and the devastation of their land. If somebody gets away with judgement of men, can he get away with judgement of God?
When he was overthrown in 1975, he went back to school. He realized the need to have sound educational background, to lead a vast country like Nigeria. He held the ‘Aburi’ reconciliation meeting in Ghana, with defunct Biafran leader Ojukwu, Oxford University trained graduate. The latter had upper hand in the agreement to restructure Nigeria. When Gowon came back, he was advised by some of his permanent secretaries to reject the accord, which he did. Later war broke out.
Aburi encounter taught many of them a lesson. Quite a number of them are going back to school, even after retiring from the military. They now realize that half education is dangerous.
Thank God the current President is an elderly person. He shouldn’t succumb to youthful exuberance of people who haven’t fought in the battle fields. Many of those regarded as Niger Delta militants have undergone scholarships, and training over the years. They are now well trained in various fields of human endeavours as: engineers, technicians, pilots, etc. Many of them have been trained abroad. The Government need not to under-rate their abilities to wreck havoc, with destruction of pipelines, and sharp drop in oil revenue.
The President has done fairly well in the area of freedom of expression, unlike those days he was military ruler; as far back as 1985. He dealt with journalists and other reporters. He rolled out decrees. Now, he is beginning to see himself as a democrat should allow others to air their views. However, much has to be done in this area, particularly on the so-called Social Media bill before the National Assembly.
We call on Nigerian authorities, especially the National Assembly to withdraw forthwith the anti-social media bill. They should know we are no longer under authoritarian or dictatorial rule. That obnoxious bill against social media in the Nigerian National Assembly, is a calculated attempt to suppress and subjugate, the voice of dissent against looting of the treasury. It is a flagrant violation of fundamental human rights of people. Their sinister motives won’t see the light of the day. They will fail woefully.
Let the leaders of the legislators respect the tenets of democracy; freedom of expression, as entrenched in the constitution; as well as the freedom of speech bill, passed into law not too long ago. We won’t allow them to slip the country back to dictatorship, under any guise. Those of them with skeletons in their cupboards are afraid of criticisms. Those currently going through corruption charges in various law courts, should concentrate on their cases. They can’t quench the fireworks of the social networks!
Over the decades, our rulers have succeeded in censoring, gagging, clamping down, and bribing the local media; many of which are Government owned. They that pay the pipers, dictate the tunes. A lot of pressmen and women have been physically assaulted, detained and killed. The emergence of social networks like: Twiter, Facebook and Youtube, is a formidable challenge to, dictatorship and human right violation the world over. Those practicing genuine democracy are not afraid of critisms; and by extension not scared of social media.
If political office holders in Nigeria, succeed in securing immunity from prosecution for stealing while in office, they can never secure immunity from criticism, especially from social networks. The social media is the real watchdog of the down trodden masses; the opium of the people. Nobody can stop it. It is beyond the reach of bad Governments, or dictators all over the world. They cannot establish obnoxious laws and kangaroo courts, to scuttle international media. If they kindle the fire, they can’t stop the smoke from ascending.
Those of them sponsoring or supporting ban on social media, should be thoroughly investigated for looting. Their houses including overhead tanks, should be properly searched for “money depot.” Nigerian political office holders, are the highest paid and most corrupt anywhere in the world. Yet, the ordinary citizens are among the poorest in the world. The country’s wealth is concentrated on few hands, with all the noise about growth in GDP.
The average political office holder in Nigeria, loves one form of immunity or the other. But, they can never be immune from the fireworks of social media, until they change. There was a time members of House of Representatives, attempted a legislation to secure immunity against public criticisms That was after they fought themselves physically on the house floor. One of them died later of injury sustained. They were seeking immunity from coverage of their dog fight. They have fought themselves on a number of occasions, under the full glare of television cameras. Many of them don’t really know why they are there. God is using the social media to purge nations, as well as highly and lowly placed individuals in the society.
The president needs to address the menace of those move around with firearms, killing people at will.
We call on the United Nations, its Security Council, and ICC, to carry out urgent and thorough investigations into the ravaging of Southern part of Nigeria, by Boko Haram and the sponsors, who have metamorphosed as Fulani herdsmen. The present Federal Government that came to power barely a year ago, is doing little or nothing to stop the destruction of villages, killings, rape, destruction of farmland and streams. Invaders!
During Jonathan administration, terrorists tried to penetrate the Southern Nigeria by road under various camouflage, but failed woefully. They were rounded up at different road-blocks. Usually, they disguised themselves as passengers or Government officials on official duties. Guns, bombs, and other ammunition were recovered from them. Also, they were arrested in attempts to place bombs, in churches and other public places in the South.
But now, they have changed tactics. They are being recruited and used as herdsmen. There has been escalation in atrocities and impunity of these so-called herdsmen since the past one year. They are now allowed to carry fire arms including AK-47, to mow down people under any excuse. Is possession of firearms legalized only Hausa/Fulanis in Nigeria by these Nigerian Government? These gunmen use some of the cattle to carry their well-rapped weapons.
On the 25th of April 2016, hundreds of hired Hausa/Fulani gunmen invaded a community in Enugu State, and raised it down. They killed scores people in one day, while displacing hundreds of people. In all these sponsored wickedness, no single herdsman or terrorist has ever been arrested and charged in the South. Buhari-led administration usually says it is working silently to find a solution to the destruction, while our people are being mowed down like animals in their ancestral homes, with Government security agents doing nothing about it. The nefarious activities of these herdsmen-turned terrorists are being condoned by the Government in power.
We want to remind this present Federal government that the inaction and hypocrisy of Gowon military junta, during killings across the country in 1066/1967, led to civil war that nearly tore the country apart. He pretended not to be aware of the massacres. He really took the people for granted. His arrogance and impunity contributed to the deaths of millions of people before and during the civil war. It appears history is about to repeat itself. He took the South Easterners for granted; and pretended to be ignorant of the genocide going on. I have come to realize those who clamour for “One Nigeria” loudest, are the most deceitful.
The question now is, who are the real owners of the various herds of cattle ravaging the Southern part of the country? Why should they recruit terrorists and arm them with automatic weapons to kill people in their homes? Why should Buhari- led administration, and security agents, including the army allow those illiterates to carry deadly weapons like AK-47, to shoot and kill human beings at will? There are ulterior motives behind all these spate of murders. There are more to it than meet the eye.
International Community is the last hope of the oppressed. We call on the United Nations, and it’s Security council to carry out comprehensive investigation into the new tactics of these sponsored terrorists or herdsmen. They can send peace observer missions to Southern part of Nigeria. Let them find out the principal actors which include owners of herds of cattle; motives behind the sponsoring of this Northern Army, and the inaction of the Authorities. Let International Criminal Court (ICC), make arrests behind these mayhem, no matter how highly placed they may be.
We need to tell ourselves the truth, it is time for us to part ways. Our people in the South East living in North are being killed. Now the killers have come down here to do same; murder our people, and nobody doing anything about it.
The agitation for self-determination is the lasting solution to all these killings here and there. The unprovoked mowing down of our people by these illiterate herdsmen, is part of the grand conspiracy by some Northern elites to depopulate, destroy means of livelihood of our people, at the same time shout one Nigeria.
Finally, we urge Traditional rulers in our land to organize their communities and form vigilante groups. They should be well trained and equipped, and comb the nearby bushes and forests regularly. They shouldn’t put all their trust in the Nigerian security agents, especially the Police. They satisfy the whims and caprices of those at the helm of affairs. During wanton destruction of lives and property, you hardly see them at the scene. Long after the mayhem, they surface and begin to arrest innocent people around as suspects. God Almighty reigns in the Kingdoms of men. He removes whoever He wants to remove from whatever position. The evils that men do live with them.
FG worried as ICC steps up investigations against Nigeria
Published April 12, 2018
Ade Adesomoju, Abuja (Punch newspaper)
The Federal Government is worried that the International Criminal Court is unrelenting in pursuing eight cases against Nigeria, says the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Abubabakar Malami (SAN).
He said this on Thursday while playing host to the newly elected President of the ICC, Prof. Chile Osuji, at his office in Abuja.
Malami said the ICC had “escalated” eight potential cases against Nigeria from “the initial preliminary examination to preliminary investigation”.
Six of the cases were said to be against Boko Haram and two against the military.
He said the stepping up of the investigation against Nigeria was worrisome because the government had demonstrated its willingness and ability to arrest, investigate and prosecute anyone that committed any offence that fell within the Rome statute of the ICC.
Malami said, “Presently, the ICC has escalated the eight potential cases against Nigeria – six against the Boko Haram and two against the military – from the initial preliminary examination to preliminary investigation.
“This is worrisome, as Nigeria has demonstrated beyond doubt, and in absolute cooperation with the ICC, that it is willing and able and, as a matter of fact, it is indeed arresting, investigating and prosecuting anyone that commits any offence that falls within the Rome Statute of the ICC.
“The above being the case, Nigeria views the escalation of the eight potential cases as uncalled for in the circumstance.”
He assured the ICC president that Nigeria being “a country that believes in the operation of the rule of law, fundamental freedom and the need to fight impunity in all ramifications” the escalation of the eight potential cases “would not deter us from further expressing and demonstrating support to the ICC.”
Responding, Osuji commended Nigeria for its support to the ICC and assured that the court would continue to work against injustice and abuse of powers in its area of jurisdiction.
WE advise the present Nigerian Government to respect the secularity of the country. A number of past rulers tried at one time or the other, to Islamize the country, but failed woefully. God dealt with them, and removed them from positions. Nobody born of woman can Islamize Nigeria, no matter how highly placed. Before they hatch the plan, He will remove them.
Some Northern governors and their acolytes who establish Sharia laws have a date with Sharia; whether now or when another Party comes to power at the centre. They cannot establish a court to cut off the hands of petty thieves, for stealing goats or some tubers of yams, while they themselves who are stealing hundreds of millions or billions go scot-free. They are the jumbo-sized criminals in the society. They lie with other people’s wives. Religious hypocrites!
WE hail President Buhari for setting aside rehabilitation camp for repentant insurgents. This a great opportunity for them to pick up the pieces of their lives.
I comment our Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, for establishing rehabilitation centre, for repentant insurgents. It is a step in the right direction. We expected him to do it. Military force alone can never bring lasting solution to the crisis, with all the adoptions and sporadic bombings. We therefore appeal to the insurgents and their sponsors, both within and outside the country, to lay down their arms, and give peace a chance.
The circumstances that prompted their armed struggle, and killing of innocent people, have been overtaken by the events in the past one year; with the victory of Buhari as new President. Prior to this, the major motivation of terrorists was to oust the then President Jonathan, a Christian from the Southern part of the country. Now that a Moslem from the North is ruling, why are they still fighting?
We want President Buhari to get the centre well established, with skill acquisition department, Primary and Secondary schools, including boarding facilities. The previous Government of Jonathan did a good job in rehabilitating the Almajiris in the North. It has paid of with drastic reduction of riots.
Sound education and skill acquisition, are the greatest weapons to arrest terrorism and insurgence anywhere. By the time they are undergoing Primary and Secondary school education, with strong moral instruction and fear of God inculcated in them, they will begin to value human lives. You notice sharp changes in them. Before they stretch forth their hands to maim or kill their fellow human beings, they will think twice. False and murderous teachers should be kept away from them.
They have been brainwashed by dare-devil teachers to see vast majority of the people as infidels, especially those from southern Nigeria: hence the brutal killings, adoptions, and burning of houses. They are taught by these callous teachers, to shun western education. They seem to forget that the weapons, communication gadgets, and vehicles they use, are products of western education.
Imposition of state religion in Nigeria can never be solution to our economic woes. Desperate political office seekers and elites, use religious fanaticism and tribalism to rig themselves into power. Yet, overwhelming majority of them; both Christians and Moslems, don’t have the fear of God in them. That is why we have monumental corruption here and there: looting of billions of dollars, and trillions of naira. Many individuals, who looted the Nigeria blind, are richer than the federal annual budgets. They are richer than Dangote. These religious hypocrites have plunged this country into penury and perpetual debt. Many of them sponsor terrorists and insurgents in this country, with their Ill-gotten wealth.
Buhari: When Young And Handsome.
We therefore call on the insurgents to have a repentant hearts, and move to the rehabilitation centre newly created. They should know that God Almighty is a God of righteousness and justice. They cannot kill innocent and vulnerable people, burn houses, rape, impregnate young girls and married women, and go to marry virgins in paradise. If they die in that condition, they will automatically go to hell. There, they will look for virgins to marry, but will not see. They will face the unquenchable fire of God’s anger, for He is a consuming fire. Though slow in anger, He is mighty in power, and will not allow the guilty to go unpunished.
They and their financiers are great enemies of people of the country in particular, and humanity at large. Their activities have cost the country a lot both in human and material resources. Thousands of people have been massacred, and houses burnt down. Billions of dollars have already been spent to prosecute the war. We would have been much better of economically without the war. The evils that men do live with them.
The ostensible reason of the insurgents to Islamize Nigeria cannot survive the test of time. This is because God categorically wants Nigeria to remain a secular state. Nobody or group of persons can Islamize Nigeria, no matter how highly placed. They will try and fail woefully. They should know that God reigns in the kingdoms of men. Those sponsoring killings and bombings in the country, are wicked people who have no regard for human lives, and no fear of Almighty creator of the universe.
God said, he that lives by the sword shall perish by the sword. He who lives by violence shall by die by violence. He who sheds blood shall have his own blood shed by man, for in the image of God, created He man. Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days. They are like the grass that grows on the field that will soon be cut down. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
Fret not your self at the prosperity of the wicked for they shall soon be cut down like grass. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.
Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. Thus said the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glory, glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, said the LORD.
We call on the President to go all out to recover trillions of naira and hundreds of billions of Dollars stolen from the treasury.
We appeal to International Community, including United States to help trace and return stolen hundreds of billions of dollars with accumulated interests, by Nigerian past rulers and their surrogates. Also, their ill-gotten assets abroad should be handed over to the Nigerian Federal Government. Then, we will no longer be hearing only about recovering of Abacha loot. Though billions of dollars have so far been recovered from his loot, it is just a tip of the iceberg, compared with what others carted away. Quite a number of them ruled longer and looted much more than General Abacha. loot. Virtually all the past rulers: both civilian and military, are billionaires by dollars standard; and trillionaires by naira standard. Their individual ill-gotten wealth, both in currency and landed property which are mostly abroad, surpasses the yearly national budget.
Let Nigerian Federal Government to urgently seek for a device that can detect, local and foreign currencies, stored in water tanks and other containers from a distance. Science can produce it. Let the Government solicit help from advanced countries. Many political and public office holders in Nigeria, both past and present, hide millions and billions in their overhead tanks, underground houses, in sacks, and other containers. Some of their aides have carted away billions out of the loot starched in cartons, and Ghana-must-go bags. The detecting device will help to recover billions of stolen money. Then, money will become “catholic”.
We are eagerly waiting for Buhari’s administration, to round up the cabal and their cronies, who think they are above being arrested or jailed. They should be compelled to re declare their assets, both here in Nigerian and in foreign lands, now that they are out of office. Let the President apprehend all of them. They are the jumbo-sized criminal in the society. In Nigeria today, tens of millions of people are jobless; while thousands of moribund companies are scattered all over the country. Millions of pensioners and workers are owed here and there. Refineries have been neglected and incapacitated by our rulers, to pave way for importation of fuel: with billions of dollars claim in subsidy. They have impoverished our country.
If the present Buhari’s Government is serious about purging the country of treasury looters, past Presidents and Military juntas should be prosecuted and jailed accordingly. This will serve as a deterrent to other prospective rulers. Else, all efforts being made to deal with only their subordinates, will not survive the test of time. They are all human beings like us who should be brought to justice.
Let part of recovered looted funds be used to rebuild oil refineries to operate in full capacities; as well as establish new ones. Then, we will free from importation of refined fuel, with monumental claims of subsidy. Let the government pay up pensioners, and resuscitate abandoned industries. Those who have looted the treasury, and those still looting, shuttle abroad ostensibly for medical check up. There, they operate their numerous foreign accounts. They undergo all kind of expensive tests and medications in order to prolong their lives. One day, monkey will go to the market, and won’t be able to come back again. God may decide to take them away from this earth.
Let them not forget God’s injunction that says, “As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so is he that accumulated riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.” Jeremiah 17:11.
We therefore call for a change of attitude. The country belongs to all of us. No section should be treated as second class citizens. We are all equal before Almighty God. Let all these subjugation and local imperialism stop. We yearn for true leader that will bring all the ethnic groups together, with equal opportunities for all regardless of tribal or religious background. Then, Nigeria will be better for it.


God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.
The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.
The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’s hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.
The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.
Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.
Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed. Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.
The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.
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There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then.
The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.
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