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Pay Up Workers And Pensioners.
Millions of workers and pensioners are owed for years in Nigeria. It speaks volume of high level of corruption, and wickedness of those at the helm of affairs. Any Government that owes workers and pensioners for years, is wicked Government. Those in charge of affairs are heartless. They are religious hypocrites; who allow the devils to use them to cause misery and among the populace. Perpetual indebtedness tallies with ‘gold medal’ the country has won in corruption index, by Transparency International.

Some Governors for instance, have stolen more than the annual budgets of their respective states. Yet, they don’t want to pay up the meager wages, they owe ordinary workers and pensioners. The money they allocate to themselves, family members, and surrogates, are more than the accumulated debt to entire workers and senior citizens for decades. Nigerian political office holders are the highest paid in the world. One of them can earn money that can take care of thousands of civil servants, who are even more qualified than him.

Recently, US Government released list of top public office holders in Nigeria, who have billions of dollars individually in US banks. The list include past and current rulers, ministers, and Governors. How can they stash hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign banks, and elsewhere, when their citizens are wallowing in abject poverty? How can they be talking about seeking for more foreign loans running into billions of dollars, when they individually have stolen more than that amount? We urge President Trump to freeze the accounts. They are stolen money from our evil rulers.

We are going to rubbish the political ambitions of Governors and other political office holders, who owe workers and pensioners for years. They stockpile billions they are supposed to use to pay up people they owe, to pursue their narrow and selfish ambitions: to rig election and buy their ways to the top. It is disheartening to note they embark on white-elephant projects, to siphon billions meant to pay up wages and pensions. They are in for a big shock. We are going for the jugular!

Take for instance, pensioners of Delta Steel Company, Aladja, in Delta State of Nigeria; a pioneer Federal Government owned steel company. They are owed upward of ten years of pensions. Many of them have died of frustration, and hunger related illness. Top managers, who were Government appointees, sent to run the company looted the place blind. Today, they are moving freely in the country with their loot.

A Governor from South Eastern Nigeria, has up 1.4 billions dollars in a single US bank account. But, he owes workers and pensioners for years. The crux of the matter, is that most of these wicked rulers are deep into secret societies. They are heartless and inhuman; who love to see people under them suffer. The law banning members of secret cults, from contesting or occupying elective positions in the country, is not being enforced.

The LORD deals with them at the height of their impunity and arrogance. He has allowed some of them to actually die; and go to the great beyond. They are fully aware of God’s judgement and reward. Soon after He allows them to come back to life; they seem to forget about what they went through. One day, they will die finally, and leave behind their ill-gotten wealth!

A lot of politicians and their likes are diabolical. They are patrons to ritualists, juju priests, and other undesirable elements in the society. Electioneering period records the highest rate of ritual killings.

The devils they serve give them instructions on how to make life unbearable for the masses. They engage in wanton demolition and destruction of people’s property, without any compensation. When the wicked are ruling, the people mourn. These charlatans subject their subordinates, into demonic oath taking before an evil shrine. It is aimed at ensuring their subjugation, and assurance never to expose their masters’ secrets.

A former Governor picked up his then Chief of staff, to succeed him in office. He compelled him to take oath, before a deadly shrine. The man was striped of his clothes, remaining pant. Then, he was bound hands and feet, and dumped in front of the shrine, like a goat ready for slaughter. He swore never to expose the secrets of his boss, or probe him, when he eventually became Governor. He also swore to be submissive to the deity.

As soon as he became Governor, the devil used him to make life miserable for his people. He demolished their markets, and some other property with impunity, shutdown many companies, owe workers and senior citizens for years.

Nigeria is the leading crude oil producing country in Africa; and among the highest producers in the world. She has as well produced a lot of questionable billionaires, and even those who count in trillions, from stolen oil proceeds for decades. Past and current rulers, Heads of states, Ministers, Governors and their surrogates, name them, are not left out in the monumental looting of the oil money, being produced in the Southern part of the country.

Yet, Nigeria is one of the poorest countries on earth. Over eighty percent of the population, is living below poverty line. The simple explanation is that the nation’s wealth is concentrated on few hands; among the elites. They are richer than the rest vast majority of the people.

Former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, once said, “If the kind of money stolen in Nigeria for the past thirty years occurred in Britain, the country would seize to exist. He said further that Nigeria is a fantastically corrupt country.

Nigeria has not produced true leaders, in the likes of Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. What we experience nowadays, is the handing over baton of lordship to fellow: tribal rulers, religious fanatics, billionaire rogues, and occult persons; who don’t care about the plight of people they are lording it over.

Some years ago, elites from Northern Nigeria gathered, ostensibly to fight poverty in the North. They included those who have ruined the country: former military juntas, former and serving ministers, ambassadors, Governors. It was like a row call of Northern cabal.

If they are sincere about fighting poverty, they should return the hundreds of billions of dollars they have stolen, along with their Southern counterparts. Then, you will hardly hear of poverty in the North; and indeed in any part of the country. They live flamboyant and ostentatious lifestyle, to the detriment of exploited masses.

The recovered stolen money, can be used to resuscitate shutdown industries, and other abandoned projects, scattered all over the country. It will provide job opportunities for millions of people, and ensure regular payment of salaries and pensions. Organizing breakfast, once in a while for beggars and poor people by hypocritical elites, can never solve the problem of extreme hunger in the land..

Although most of the rogue billionaires and ‘trillionaires’ are from the North, most of the beggars and illiterates in the country are from the same North. The reason is simple. Nigeria’s wealth is concentrated on few hands; among the elites. They use and dump the “Talakawas.” The latter are hired for riots, terrorism, killings, and all worth not. The ever increasing unbearable hardships in the country, is evident everywhere. The rich are getting richer; while the poor are getting poorer. The so-called Nigerian independence has plunged us into more bondage. We are now under the subjection and internal slavery of Hausa/Fulanis.

The truth is that this Hausa/Fulani oligarchy in Nigeria, won’t survive the test of time. It has given rise for various agitations: including self-determination for Biafra. At God’s appointed time, He will deliver His people from this local imperialism, man’s inhumanity to man.

We are looking unto God Almighty to change this country Nigeria, and other countries as well. The level of oppression and wickedness is growing day by day. We know no major event occurs in this world without his pre-knowledge of it. The disintegration of former Soviet Union, was not a fluke. Self-determination is the lasting solution to perpetual bondage in the country. God will do it in His own way.

Abandonment of projects, is a means through which Nigerian Government officials, and their collaborators, siphon billions of dollars, without specified job completed. They award over-inflated contracts, and non-existing contracts.

Many road construction and rehabilitation projects, have been abandoned, and the money for them jointly embezzled. The contractors handling the jobs, and those in Government, share the money on agreed percentage. The so-called contractor, will pour some trips of sand and laterite along the road. He will do one or two things, and abscond with huge some of money paid him. He will hardly be arrested or prosecuted for that.

Virtually, all the current and former Presidents, and Military juntas are billionaire rogues. They are not better than their Ghanaian counterparts, whom Jerry Rawlings tried and executed. These unscrupulous persons, engage in outright looting of the treasury, and inflated contracts.

In Nigeria, you only hear of recovery of Abacha loot, because he is dead. There are other former juntas or Presidents, who have stolen much more than Abacha; and even ruled longer than him. Nobody dares to arrest or probe them. They gather wealth for themselves, and down to their unborn descendants, at the expense of down-trodden masses. These unarmed robbers and their cronies, are richer than the rest people of the country.

A situation where many ministers and Governors, individually have billions of dollars in separate foreign banks, speaks volume of the rottenness in the polity; not to talk of the overall leader. Multitude of professionals and youths, are fleeing the country, in search of sustenance. Thousands of them are being drowned in Mediterranean Sea yearly. Who cares!

Nigerian has never produced a true leader. When the head is sick, it affects the rest of the country. What we have on the ground, is gathering of dictators, tribal and religious bigots; out to serve their selfish interests. They are as bad and corrupt, as those they investigate. Brutality of members of Armed Forces against civilians, has never been so bad in the history of the country. The  Military is now dominated and controlled by Northerners, under the present tribal Government, as well as the Police. The insurgents and Fulani terrorist herdsmen, are killing thousands of defenseless people, and nobody doing anything about it. They are being giving tacit support, by those at the helm of affairs. Nigerian is sliding back to the era of military dictatorship and lawlessness.

Money being recovered from selected looters is being re-stolen. The evil cycle continues. They allocate annual budgets to themselves and family members. Money is being hidden in odd places: overhead tanks, suckaways, uncompleted buildings, even in burial grounds.

Many of these evil men have died and left behind their ill-gotten wealth. God said, “As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool”—Jeremiah 17:11.

The Greatest Rescue
It happened a young man, Joshua Balogun repented and denounced his membership of a secret society. It didn’t go down well with his former colleagues there.

They feared he would expose their evil deeds, in that occult before the world. Therefore, they resolved to adopt and eventually kill him. But, God Almighty rescued him from their custody, in a spectacular manner.

Meanwhile, the convert was enjoying his new found faith in God. He was worshipping and praising the LORD, the creator of the whole universe regularly. Of course, he attended weekly fellowships and activities. God was manifesting Himself to him. It dawned on him all those past years, he was living in darkness in the secret society. He realize God’s own protection and prosperity, added no sorrow to it. His former evil colleagues lured him to a lonely place, and kidnapped him.

They promptly bound his hands and feet with chains, as well as gagging his mouth. From the first day of his captivity, he had been making supplications unto God, to deliver him from his captors. On the day they appointed to slay him, something unusual and spectacular happened. His intended murderers placed him on a stretcher.

As one of them lifted his hand to slaughter him, a very strange, bright lightening struck that place. They were all terrified; and lay low like dead people, watching for what was about to happen. After about thirty minutes of terrifying silence and uncertainty, a strange man in a white robe (angel), suddenly appeared on the scene. In their bewilderedness, they were peeping on him; pretending to be sleeping. As he came close to Balogun who was on stretcher with chains, the angel opened his hand and grabbed a pair of scissors that mysteriously appeared. He used it to cut to pieces the chains on the man’s hands and feet.

Then, the angel instructed Balogun to stand up which he deed. He had no clothes on him; he was stripped down to his pant by his captors. The angel told him to stretch out his hands, and a white robe was placed on them miraculously. He put it on, and followed the stranger through the bush paths, to the side of expressway. A cyclist appeared, in that early hours of the morning. The stranger paid for his fare to drop him in a nearby village. As they were about leaving, the angel disappeared. And when he was dropped at his destination, the cyclist also vanished.

For years now, Balogun has been going about preaching and telling people of the dangers in belonging to secret societies; how God rescued him from the clutches of devils and their human agents. He has been proclaiming among other things, that Ogboni society which he came out from is evil; whether reformed or not. One cannot reform evil. They are all built on demonic foundations.

He maintained that many prominent persons are in secret cults, including the ones in governance. They come up with polices, they know are clearly against the welfare of the masses. The devils they serve use them to inflict untold hardships on people: such as mass retrenchment, unemployment, perpetual indebtedness to workers and pensioners, as well as demolition of people’s property without any compensation. They are religious hypocrites. Something has to be done to remove agents of the devils from the helm of affairs of this nation.

At one time, AMORC society which was proscribed as a secret society, by Nigerian Supreme Court, embarked on environmental sanitation at Abuja. It was a desperate move to salvage their battered image, and win people’s sympathy.

All lovers of God should rise up against the menace of occult societies in the land. Time has come for us to take the bull by the horn, and wipe out evil from our land.

Evangelist Joseph U. Afurobi (Publisher)

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God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus   of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.

The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.

The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’s hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.

The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.

Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.

Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed.  Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.

The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.

This book is a unique evangelical novel, meant to draw people closer to God; and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Grab a copy to read. Pass it on to others; and you will become a soul winner. Send us your postal address for a copy or copies.


There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then. 

The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.


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