President Trump And Cabinet Holding Holding Bible Study

President Donald Trump of United States of America is a God-fearing man with outstanding leadership qualities. His respect for Almighty God and His statutes is exemplary, and unprecedented in recent history. His fight against terrorism, dictatorship, religious intolerance, and injustice, all over the world is exciting. We want to see more of President Trump in years ahead.
Prior to his assumption in office on January 2017, governance in US was immersed in all forms of ungodly acts. Gay activities and Satanism, were the order of the day. Before he took over power, and occupied White House, ungodliness and utter disregard for God, creator of the whole universe were entrenched. God-fearing leaders are great leaders. The fear of God is the beginning of genuine wisdom and knowledge.
George Washington governed US with great respect for the Almighty. It also reminded one of what righteous rulers like King Josiah and King Hezekiah did during their reigns. They purged the land of Judah and Israel of idolatry and gay (sodomy) activities. They operated beyond their territories to transform the society.
Trump started on a good note by cleansing White House of fetish, witchcraft, gay practices, and all worth not. He is also a good leader and administrator. We want him to continue. Whoever rules United States, is also a world ruler by extension; US being number one world power. Whatever happens to the country, affects the rest of the world.
We are not going to allow Satanists, gays, and their likes, to stage a come-back to the White House. God Almighty will flush them out! You cannot be a member of church of Satan, and want to rule over the people of God. A vote for such person is equivalent to a vote for Satan his master. When he assumes power, he will be take instructions directly from devils he serves; to pollute the land and misrule the people. God said, those who trust in idols and fetish shall be disappointed and ashamed.
Like Alexander the Great, God has pre-destined Donald Trump to lead America by this time; and by extension to oversee the activities of other nations. He is like King Cyrus of Persian Empire. The LORD Almighty said of him, even before he was born.
“Thus said the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held, to subdue nations before him, and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates, and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before you, and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron. And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret laces, that you may know that I, the LORD, which call you by your name, am the God of Israel.
“For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel my elect, I have even called you by thy name: I have surnamed you, though you have not known me. I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me; I girded you, though you have not known me: That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else”—Isaiah 45:1-6.
All hands should be on deck to get President Trump elected for second term. His second tenure will be a big blow to all fetish rulers, dictators, authoritarian rulers, terrorists, and other undesirable elements in the society. He will purge nations. He is emerging as the best President of United State ever.
We are going to pray and work against the activities of false prophets, fortune tellers, and other agents of Satan, who prophesy against the re-election of President Trump. They prophesy or divine for their stomach; in order to make merchandise of their gullible victims. God said, “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, what hath God wrought!—Numbers 23-23.
The so-called impeachment charges against him are calculated to undermine his administration, and to remove him from office through the back door. God Almighty will visit those disguised satanists and gays: enemies of people of God who have been scheming to remove the LORD’s elect. They want to remove Donald Trump, the people’s President, under flimsy excuses; so that they may eventually replace him with a homosexual or lesbian as President of USA.
These agents from church of Satan won’t succeed. God Almighty will judge all the conspirators. Before their very eyes, Trump will continue to wax strong to fulfill all God’s purpose in his life to rule over USA and nations Their wickedness will find them out. They won’t smell that Presidential seat in the near future.
His firm stance against abortion is very commendable. Abortion is closely related to prostitution and illicit sexual activities. If people fear God, they should keep to only their spouses, or wait patiently to get married, before involving in sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse, unwanted pregnancy, and subsequent abortion, will be drastically reduced. The scripture says, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife; and let every woman have her own husband.
President Trump attended the pro-life march in US, 2020. He has been the first US President to participate in antiabortion rally. Abortion is synonymous with murder.
Trump is a God-fearing man who is against all forms of religious extremism and intolerance. He dealt a deadly blow to rapist and murderous groups, including ISIS, hiding under religion. Together with his coalition partners, he launched military strikes on the terrorists, and decimated them. As well, he dealt with high-ranking terrorist commanders, and eliminated them. The most spectacular, was the drone attack of Iran Military Chief, in the year 2020.

Donald Trump has done much to bring peace and stability to the Middle East. He is mediating between Palestinian Authority and Israel. He reaches out to Russia and others, to reduce tension in Syria. He has subdued the terrorists operation in that country. Trump as well, hold talks with Iran to contain their nuclear ambitions. North Korean leader is not left out in his peace moves round the globe. Trump is a peace maker who wield carrot and the big stick; aid and sanctions for countries accepting peace moves, and ones opposing peace moves respectively. His leadership role in world affairs, kind of compensate for absence of empire ruler. He works closely with international bodies, including UN and other world leaders.
His recognition of Jerusalem as future capital of Israel, is in line with biblical prophecy. The country has since moved its embassy to Jerusalem, along with Guatemala. Many other countries are planning to do so. Trump is being used of God to do a great job in the world.
Finally, we are looking unto Trump to be used of God, in playing a leading role to realize Biafra. Sometime ago, he said, “Biafra will soon be separated from Nigeria, just as some other countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, were separated from their parent bodies. We want to be free from Hausa/Fulani strangulation and slavery, with Yoruba collaborating with them. Now, we are in far worse situation than the colonial era.
I pray God Almighty to grant President Trump second tenure, to enable him and his team complete the assignments they started, both within his country and in international scene. Amen….(This is an extract from our book, “Evidence Of God’s Existence.” Copies are made available on request).

Support for Biafra actualization, is gathering momentum all over the world. There is serious awareness, on the plight of Biafrans living in oppressive Nigeria. Oppression of Biafra in Nigeria, has been going on for over 60 years now. The situation gets worse with each passing year.
Unlike during Nigeria civil war era, when millions of our people were massacred, the subjugation and politics of exclusion, are effectively being made known to the world. We have been up to date exposing atrocities against Biafra, and other ethnic groups, mostly from the South. We are clearly having the upper hand in the media war and publicity. We have actually beaten Nigerian Authorities hands down in this area.
The truth cannot be controverted. It stands alone. The truth is like light that drives away darkness. Darkness cannot comprehend the light. Truth is like smoke coming out of a place. It can never be covered. It must find its way out for everybody to see. We will defeat all campaigns of calumny against Biafran realization, with the truth.
The struggle for Biafra restoration got a dramatic turnaround, when IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu was arrested in Nigeria Airport, detained, and charged with treason. He never engaged in any form of armed struggle, or shedding of blood. His only offence was speaking out against oppression and marginalization of Biafra. He campaigned for self-determination.
The publicity his court trial attracted, catapulted IPOB into world limelight. One unique thing about IPOB leadership, is that it has refused to be bribed, or blackmailed into submission. While in detention, the leader was promised up to 15 oil wells, post of Vice President of Nigeria, among other mouth-watering offers, should he renounce Biafra. He rejected them. Recently, he was offered 721 billion naira (2 billion dollars), to abandon Biafra struggle. He refused. This generation of agitators is unstoppable. There are other smaller groups involved in the agitation. They play complementary roles. IPOB is the arrow-head of the struggle. And just as the leadership rightly said sometime ago, there are more unregistered IPOB members, than registered members actively involved in the agitation. Everyone of us makes input in his own little way.
It is a well known fact that IPOB has powerful satellite information system. They have the ability to take satellite pictures, audios, and videos, clearly of events happening in any remote area in Nigeria. For instance, they played the video of Boko Haram training Fulani terrorist Herdsmen, in Sambisa Forest. As well, they showed video of massive smuggling of bags of rice by Northerners, across Northern borders with Niger Republic. The smugglers running into hundreds, were using motorbikes; each carrying up to five bags of rice.
The awareness of Biafra is virtually in all nations of the world. Host countries are beginning to see our people there as Biafrans. They call them Biafrans in: Germany, US, Japan, and other countries.
Now, International bodies like United Nations, and European Union, are giving serious attention, to the recognition of Biafra as a sovereign nation. IPOB leader and his team, were invited by UN a number of times to address the body. The last invitation was on December 2019. The team has also spoken in European Union Parliament.
We are eagerly awaiting United Nations official pronouncement on Biafra. It could be recalled that Biafra has fulfilled all the UN stipulated requirement, for being carved out of a country. We fought a civil war that ended 50 years ago, among others. Biafra is overdue to be separated from that evil Union called Nigeria; concocted by imperialist Britain.
World leaders and Presidents of many countries, have spoken their minds supporting Biafra. Hear some of them.
“Why I want all nations to support Biafra”– says France President. The president of France Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday in twitter, shows his concern about Biafrans. He said that the time for Biafrans to go has come. He urges all nations to support Biafra movement. He said that Biafra will be a great nation, if they can be on their own.
“The historic encounter with United Nations officials in Geneva, has opened up avenues and opportunities for further engagement, between IPOB and relevant UN agencies on the burning issues of human rights violations, by the Buhari regime and enforcement of IPOB’s universal right to self determination.
Germany recognizes Biafra, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent aid to participate in the tall Hall meeting organized by IPOB in Munich Germany where Kanu was present, the Chancellor through her aid told Kanu that Germany supports freedom by the oppressed and freedom to self determination, Angela Merkel further urged Kanu to maintain peaceful approach, in the quest for a Biafran state, and engage in dialogue for a successful secession.
We’ll help Biafra obtain independence” Russia President .
Biafra Coming To Reality, Russia President In Support ..
President Trump told the Biafra flag waiving man at his rally that, “if the people of Biafra want Republic of Biafra, it will be a reality during my administration”. He further told the Biafran agitators to hold on, help is on the way.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel is a staunch supporter of Biafrans. He has been doing a lot to ensure Biafrans is realized, including appealing to other nations to back us up. Israel is our “Elder Brother”.
The former football super star and currently the President of Liberia, George Weah, at UN meeting on Monday urged United Nations, UN, to support Biafra agitation to become a republic of their own, just as the United Nation supported South Sudan to be separate from North-Sudan. According to the Biafra newspaper today, he said, “If UN failed to support Biafra, it might result to another war in Nigeria.
IPOB has chosen the path of non-violence in realizing Biafra. They organize powerful rallies in almost all countries of the world to support them. As well, have Radio Biafra stations in several counties, including the one in London. Also, they meet the people that matter in pursuance of their goal. The enlightenment is much. Biafra is now household name.
Many are of the opinion, that 80 percent of any war is fought on the media. Before and during Nigerian-Biafra war in 1960s, wicked rulers led by Yakubu Gowon, carried out a propaganda of non-interference, on internal affairs of member countries. This was imbibed by Organization of African Countries (OAU), and other international bodies; even UN. Britain, that evil colonial master, supervised the isolation of Biafra, by world bodies. Britain killed multitude of Biafrans during the war. Their wickedness will find them out.
Nigerian Authorities including “Muhammadu Buhari”, should let Biafra go. The choice of non-violent approach to Biafra agitation, shouldn’t be taken for weakness or cowardice. If IPOB is pushed to the wall to pick up arms, activities of insurgents, bandits, and Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen, will look like a child’s play.

Biafra is long overdue to be full-fledged nation; separated from Fulani-controlled Nigeria. From all indications, the current pig-headed, Hausa/Fulani Government in Nigeria is the harbinger of the country’s imminent breakup.
There is a breakdown of law and order; killings everywhere, by insurgents and their splinter groups (bandits), in nearly all the Northern states. Tribalism, Islamization, and Fulanization of the country, have become the order of the day. The National Assembly, Judiciary, and other bodies, have become appendages to the ruling dictator. Recently, Nigeria was recognized as third terrorist nation in the world. The country is drifting to a point of no return.
There is a close comparison between the arrogance, and impunity of Pharaoh of Egypt against the Jews before the exodus, and what is happening in Nigeria nowadays. At a stage, “Nigeria Pharaoh” said, he would only allow the five South Eastern States to go and form Biafra. That he won’t allow South South States to join. The whole of South East and South South, with exception of Edo State, are parts of Biafra.
Nigeria is in a far worse situation, than during British colonial era. Now, we are under Hausa/Fulani slavery. The country is moving backward, due to the illiterates, functional illiterates, and mediocres at the helm of affairs.
There is serious, systematic economic strangulation of Biafra, by oppressive Nigeria Government, under suitable pretext. For instance, all southern land and sea borders with other neighbouring countries, have been closed down indefinitely. Goods now come into the country through Northern borders. All manners of smuggling, including arm smuggling go on there. Foreign terrorists and bandits, also make their way into the country, through the Northern boundaries that have been thrown open for them by their sponsors. Terrorism is a booming business in Northern Nigeria.
All the three seaports in Biafra land: in Warri, Calaber and Port Harcourt, have since been shut down, by Northern Nigerian government; that retrogressive and evil Government! The only seaport in the country is in Lagos. The tribal Government is also putting in place “Dry Ports” in Kaduna and some other Northern cities. Of course, they have no sea to deserve seaport. What a waste of fund, and misplaced priority?
Now, the tribal authorities, line up the routes from the seaport and dry ports to Biafra land, with multitude of checkpoints. Some checkpoints are less than one kilometer apart. They are there to make merchandise of the Biafra traders, who are mostly conveying their goods by roads, to their business destinations. The Customs, Police, Army, Navy, Road Safety Corps, and all sorts of gangs and rogues, mount road blocks there, for daylight robbery of our people.
They lay siege on our people, to extort huge amount of money from them; by finding faults with their documents. Sometimes, they demand for documents that are not in existence. These official robbers armed with weapons, now use POS_ a portable banking device for electronic transfer of money, extorted from their victims’ bank accounts, to theirs and for those who sent them on the roads, with uniforms and guns.
Extortion of money from motorists and passengers never happens anywhere in the North. It attracts instant dismissal for uniform officers involved. But here in the South, it is a booming business. Here, they are dealing with people they regard as lesser human beings.
The so-called amalgamation between North and South, to form Nigeria by British imperialist Government, is a scam. It is like a forced marriage, that can never last. It is coming together of strange bed fellows. We are incompatible in all ramifications. And we can never live together in harmony. That satanic amalgamation, which expired in the year 2014, should be discarded. They should allow Biafra to go, and fulfill her God-given destiny of greatness.
There is a very wide yawning gap between us and Nigeria; especially those in the North. Take for instance, area of religion. They practise violent, killer religion with their jihad thing. To them, propagation of their religion is all about conquest and shedding of blood. These fanatics and their faceless sponsors, kill, impregnate girls and married women, as their ways of life. Religious hypocrites. They see Christians as threats to survival of their religions.
Fulanis believe it’s their birth right, to rule and lord it over vast majority of the people, who are of other ethnic groups. That’s why they want to maintain that obnoxious master-slave relationship with us; which must come to an end.
Nigerian Northern Government with Yoruba collaborators, have killed millions of Biafrans, and maimed multitude, since the so-called independence from Britain in 1960. They committed all manner of atrocities against our people, under the supervision of those wicked tribal rulers, including military juntas, who always shout “One Nigeria”. They deceive themselves thinking they are deceiving the masses, or International community.
Marginalization of people of South Eastern States (Igbos), is fast degenerating to total exclusion in the scheme of things. Tribalism in the country has become the order of the day. The only International Airport in that Zone at Enugu, has been closed down by the Federal Government, in the guise of endless maintenance.
Our people are now excluded in virtually all Federal appointments, including Federal High Court Judges, Senior Officers in: Armed Forces, Customs, Immigration, Police, Para-Military outfits, name them.
We are far behind other geo-political zones, in infrastructural development. During the Nigerian civil war in the 1960s, our existing pipe-borne water, bridges, roads, houses, were destroyed by evading Federal troops. Our communities were left in rubbles. A lot of destruction of lives and properties took place.
Biafrans are enterprising and resilient, despite the subjugations and deprivations, from our oppressors and taskmasters. Biafrans are overcomers. They are picking up the pieces of their lives and moving forward. After the war, their bank accounts were emptied, and stolen by Gowon and his cohorts. Self-determination is the panacea to all these misrule and killings everywhere.
The crux of the matter is the huge crude oil deposit in Biafra and other places in the South. Hausa/Fulanis have the inordinate ambition, to perpetually preside over the exploitation of the crude oil, to the exclusion of even the owners of the land. Over 90 percent of oil wells in Niger Delta are owned by Northerners, including Emirs like Sultan of Sokoto. When they shout “One Nigeria”, their minds are on the crude oil in the South.
There are lots of solid minerals deposits in the North and elsewhere. They have been grossly neglected. These can compete favourably with crude oil, in yielding revenue. But, all eyes are on the oil. Even the income from minerals being exploited in the North, are not included in revenue sharing across the country.
Our taskmasters want to Islamize Nigeria, in order to have political control, and dominance over the masses. They want to control the mineral resources and wealth of conquered territories. These opportunists should know that nobody has the monopoly of violence.
The current Nigerian Government, is the worst in perpetrating Hausa/Fulani oligarchy in the country. They are scheming to make Nigeria the home of all Fulanis, scattered all over West African Sub-region and beyond. Hence the so-called visa-free entry. National Identity cards are being issued to those Fulani influx from Niger Republic, and other places.

Evangelist Joseph U Afurobi (Publisher)

Until Nigerian Authorities take decisive measures against insurgency, and banditry in the North, the menace will continue unabated. Current Nigerian Government has been treating those criminals and rapists with kid gloves. Late Sanni Abacha once said, “If an insurgency lasts for more than 24 hours in a country, there is internal collaboration with those at the helm of affairs.”
The bulk stops on the table of Nigerian ruler. The lackadaisical approach by him, and leadership of the Armed Forces, to end this war against terrorism, has given rise to suspicion of connivance with the terrorists and bandits.
The question begging for answer is, “Why are the Armed Forces, fighting a defensive war against those murderers and rapists? They give much space to them to operate; to the extent that they allow miscreants to lay ambushed frequently, and attack the soldiers, killing them like animals. They also sack them from their bases and barracks. You see soldiers running helter skelter for safety like rabbits!
Ordinary soldiers on the ground are not to be blamed, but the hierarchy and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Soldiers operate according to instructions given to them. If you instruct them not to first attack the enemies, whenever they see them in the battle front, they will obey. If you also tell them to only respond when attacked to defend themselves, they will do so. That is the situation of Nigerian soldiers fighting Boko Haram terrorists. There have been reported cases of soldiers attacking and killing some terrorists. The military authorities court-marshaled them. Some of them were sentenced to death.
Army of any nation which cannot put down insurgency, can never win any external war. Nigerian military of the 1980s and 1990s especially, were very competent in their combat operations. They were sent to some places like: Liberia, Sierra-Leone, and Dafor to restore peace. They fought gallantly and subdued the rebels. They succeeded mainly due to the clear command given to them, and high level of equipment and motivation given them.
In those years, Nigerian soldiers were highly respected all over the world, when it comes to peace-keeping operations. The situation has deteriorated so much to the extent, that our Soldiers and Policemen are being ambushed and killed daily by rag-tag insurgents. And nobody is doing anything serious about it.
Most of the Soldiers and Policemen being sent to the killer zones are Southerners. They are being kidnapped, and killed on regular ambushes, and surprise attacks on their bases. Why have the terrorists gone to the extent of mounting road blocks, on the highway in Borno State with impunity? There is more to it than meets the eye.
This ding-dung affair with insurgents is a deliberate policy on the part of Nigerian Authorities. Who are those benefiting from millions of Euros and dollars cash, being given directly to the terrorists to fund them; in the guise of paying ransom? Mysterious massacres, and disappearances of Southern soldiers in North East of the country, should be thoroughly investigated by International Community.
The recycling of terrorists is not helping matters. Soldiers would risk their lives to fight and capture hundreds of terrorists. They will be briefly detained. And before you know it, they have all been released and sent back home. The explanation is that they have undergone spiritual cleansing; and are now clean; after murdering many people and impregnating girls and married women.
A lot of them either rejoin their terrorist groups they were in before their capture, or are directly recruited into Nigerian Armed Forces. The danger in it is that, there is direct communication between terrorists recruited into the military, and their colleagues still in the terrorist camps. Then, how do those insurgents get accurate information, to successfully lay ambush and strike Nigerian soldiers, as well as overrun their bases?
Terrorists recruited into the military, are being used mostly in the Southern Nigeria; to mount road blocks, to engage IPOB, and other opponents of the ruling Cabal. Most of the soldiers at the check-points in the South are Northerners. They are there to intimidate people, and extort money from motorists and traders. Northern soldiers, including Boko Haram intakes, are also deployed in the oil sector to guard. They are there to make money.
The mild approach to terrorism and banditry in Nigeria by Authorities is strategic. The overall objective is to conquer land, and make the country home for Fulanis, scattered all over West Africa and beyond.
One of the cardinal objectives is to use these unofficial Fulani Armies: terrorists, bandits, and Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen, to kill and displace people from their ancestral homes. Then, replace them with Fulanis who are making influx into the country from the North border. Armed nomadic cattle rearers, are not left out in the scheme of raping and taking over people’s farmlands.
Nigerian Government has tried several other obnoxious strategies, to take away communal lands, and give them to roaming Fulanis. They tried RUGA, and it failed in the South. As well, they attempted to enact laws through National Assembly, like the Grazing Bill, to forcefully take over people’s land and give to Fulanis. It has failed so far.
The Nigerian Fulani ruler, came up with planned seizure of coastal land, which was rejected by the past National Assembly. Now, it has been reintroduced in the current Assembly, being dominated by the ruling party. The desperation to take over people’s land for these rapists, must be addressed urgently.
The overall aim is to allow Fulanis in any part of Africa to come colonize us again. They want to do to us, what they succeeded in doing to the Hausas in the North. Now, they have completely obliterated the Hausas. It all started with the Hausa people, sympathetically giving out their land to them for grazing, after persistent appeal. Soon, Fulanis infiltrated the territory and dominated everywhere. Today, all the Emirs, Governors, top military officers, and top Government officials, are all Fulanis. Most of the Talakawas (Commoners), and Almajiris (Beggars), are the main Hausas.
This domineering agenda has to be stopped. That’s why we are clamouring for actualization of Biafra. Armed bandits springing up all over the North, continue with their evil agenda of killing and displacing people, with little or no challenge. Buhari once said, “Fight against Boko Haram is a fight against the North.
Coalition military strikes is overdue. We make passionate appeal to US President Donald Trump, and his coalition, to launch military strikes on the third and fourth, world deadliest terrorist groups operating in Nigeria; as well as their splinter groups camouflaging as bandits. It is long overdue. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, tortured, adopted, raped, and impregnated, by the combination of Boko Haram, Fulani Terrorist Herdsmen, and other bandits, operating mostly in the North. They now moving down the South with bomb explosions. Military helicopters drop arms and ammunition to Fulani bandits, hiding inside forests in Southern Nigeria. They are wrecking much more havoc than ISIS, before the latter was decimated by the coalition forces. Nigerian rulers condone their nefarious activities; while sometimes aid and abet them.
No amount of critisms against the Government, will move them to stop the widespread killings, going on across the country. Their conscience has been seared with hot iron. They use the violence and killings all over the place, to perpetuate themselves in power. They are religious bigots. See how Pastors are being shot dead, and their wives kidnapped; in Enugu, Kaduna and other places. Recently, the Chairman of Christian Association (CAN), in Adamawa State was adopted and later killed by these terrorists in cold blood. This Government is the worst thing to happen to Nigeria. We are under the stranglehold of illiterate and callous rulers.
Fulanis are illegal migrants. They are not indigenous to Nigeria. They migrated from Funtua Jalon, Guinea, along with their war monger forefather, Danfodio. Their desperate ambition to recolonize us, will lead to disintegration of Nigeria; even after Biafra must have left. They have inflated idea of their worth. They want to perpetually lord it over people, who are much better than them, in all ramifications. These parasites should go back to their ancestral home Funtua Jalon, along with their impostor.
We pray God to use Trump and his coalition partners, to replicate what they did in Syria: to decimate these rapists, terrorist gangs; hiding under false religions. God Almighty will pay back all the terrorist gangs and their Northern elite sponsors.

Good and upright leaders, seek genuine and even development of their territories. They improve on the lots of their people; they are virtuous leaders. When the righteous are in power, the people rejoice. But, when the wicked are ruling, the people mourn…..
On the other hand, mediocres and tribal rulers, embark on oppression of the people, especially other tribes. They use divide-and-rule tactics. These types of rulers are full of vices.
Mediocres and tribal rulers have certain things in common. They have questionable educational backgrounds. As well, they scheme, and have negative intelligence to defraud and oppress people. Their negative intelligence can never help them to move the country forward. They are retrogressive.
The crux of our woes in Nigeria, is that we have the wrong kinds of rulers. We are blessed by God Almighty, with abundant material and human resources. But, we have bad and wicked rulers.
Nigeria is under the stranglehold of intellectually backward and inferior Northern rulers, who have dominated the country since time immemorial. They are puppets of British colonialism and imperialism in Nigeria. What do you expect from somebody that doesn’t even have Primary School Certificate, ruling a vast country like Nigeria?
The whole system is collapsing under him. And there is nothing anybody can do about it. Now that he grossly lacks the ability and educational training to govern, he will introduce all kinds of vices to sustain himself in power.
The economy is be collapsing, and insecurity everywhere. He is watching, and explaining away the worsening situation. The country is competing negatively, with some other nations, in bad governance in many areas of life.
Take for example, Nigeria is rated the poorest country in the world, despite her oil and other mineral resources worth billions of dollars yearly. Currently, the country is the second most corrupt on earth. She is number third terrorist nation in the world. The country has the third and fourth most deadly terrorist groups in the world. In the health sector, Nigeria has among the highest rate in infant mortality, and maternity mortality rate globally. The judiciary is in shambles; bringing shame to the country through kangaroo judgements.
When somebody who is grossly unfit, occupies a high position, people he appoints to work under him, behave mostly like him. He recycles old and expired people, to head sensitive positions in his Government. His incompetence and mediocrity, extent to his surrogates.
There are many people in high-ranking positions in armed forces, and Government offices, who can hardly read out simple, prepared speech. Yet, they claim to be university graduates, and Masters Degree holders. A lot of them failed English Language and Mathematics in WAEC; some with only two credit passes. But, they went through University education in the far North.
They are the type that will tell you cockroaches ate up their certificates, when they were fast asleep at home. Again, they can swear affidavit to backup the dubious claims. If they don’t blame it on cockroaches, theycan blame it on termites or rats!
A ruler is a reflection of the governance going in his territory. Exemplary leader engenders exemplary subordinates. It flows down the line. The same thing is applicable to dictators. When the head is sick, it affects the rest of the body.
When somebody merits his position of trust and is upright, he is fair to those he comes in contact with. He is qualified and competent in the job. On the other hand, somebody is placed in post he doesn’t deserve or qualified for. This may be due to tribal or religious politics. Then, he has little to offer in his service to the public.
He will then use his unmerited position, to please those who place him there: to promote ethnicity and religious bigotry. He will be scheming to subjugate his intellectual superiors, who happen to be working under him. He will do so in desperate attempt to retain his post. His thinking is that bringing people down, will help him remain on top.
This is what is happening in Nigeria right now. Tribalism and mediocrity, are tearing the country apart. Those from North are appointed into very top positions, which are far above their qualifications and abilities, by their brothers. What do you expect from such persons? Oppression of other tribes.
Take for example, training in Police College. Cadets are being enlisted from various parts of the country, based on discriminatory quota system that favours the North. After the entrance examination and subsequent admission, many from North will score about half the marks of their counterparts from the South. Now, they are all undergoing same course.
After graduation, you will discover those from the Northern part, who have poor results, will be promoted above their brilliant colleagues who are Southerners.
By the time their more intelligent compatriots from the South are Deputy Superintendents of Police, those dunces from North are already Police commissioners. Our people are retired mostly early from services to pave way for Northerners to climb to the highest positions.
The same thing is applicable in the military. Nigeria military is highly deficient in its operations. A security outfit that cannot go on offensive against rag-tag terrorists and bandits; and round them up. How can it be possible when mediocrity and tribalism, are reigning supreme among the rank and file? On assumption of office in the year 2015, President Buhari sacked the best hands in the armed forces. It was massive. Over ninety percent of them came from South, including Major Generals and Brigadiers. Then, he recalled almost of those Northerners disengaged from the military for non-performance. A lot of them failed promotion exams three times.
Tribalists are: crooked, deceitful, crafty, oppressive and heartless. They are full of vices. But upright leaders are straightforward, fair, virtuous, and promotes excellence. Unless something urgent is done to reverse the trend in Nigeria, the country is heading for disintegration, like the former Soviet Union.
The Wicked Shall Be Cut Off.
You see how God works. He listened to the supplications of a God-fearing ruler and his citizens, by reducing the corona virus pandemic drastically in his country. On the other hand, God Almighty used the corona virus to eliminate some wicked rulers in Nigeria. It wasn’t actually the disease that killed them. It was death. There time was up before God.
Jehovah said, “Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. For evildoers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shall diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
The wicked plots against the just and gnashes upon him with his teeth. The LORD shall laugh at him; for he sees that his day is coming. The wicked have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and lo he was not; yea I sought him, but he could not be found. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; the end of the wicked shall be cut off—Psalms 37.
The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws. And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom isfrom generation to generation.
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellers and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.
Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase—Daniel : 4”:33-37.
God Almighty has the power to remove whoever He wants removed from whatever position, by whatever means He chooses.


God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.
The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.
The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’s hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.
The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.
Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.
Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed. Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.
The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.
This book is a unique evangelical novel, meant to draw people closer to God; and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Grab a copy to read. Pass it on to others; and you will become a soul winner. Send us your postal address for a copy or copies.
There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then.
The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.
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