Second Coming Of President Donald Trump.
We heartily welcome the successful return to the White House, of President Donald Trump of United States. He won clearly the 2024 Presidential Election. The LORD God mysteriously saved him from being killed, on two clear occasions. He will live to fulfill God’s purpose in his life through governance. We are confident he will bring to bear, his reverence to Almighty God, during his second tenure in power. Let him cleanse the place, and restore true worship of God. Fetish practices should be done away with.
His return to power will help to push God’s work forward: encourage spreading of the gospel, give more support to Israel’s right to exist, and combating terrorism all over the world. World bodies including United Nations; ought to acknowledge God as creator of the Universe in its deliberations; sustain Israel occupation of their God-given promise land. Negotiation with Arab countries, should be based on mutual respect and co-existence.
We know President Trump will give God His rightful place in US. Any attempt to remove His name from the constitution, should be resisted. Instead, let the constitution be amended, to bar members of secret societies from contesting any elective offices, including the office of President of US. Anybody who openly proclaims Satan loves him or her, shouldn’t be allowed to contest election in the country. For if the person contests and wins; then Satan will be ruling by proxy through him or her.
Let Trump maintain a distance from authoritarian rulers, as well as tribal and religious bigots. Don’t allow weapons and troops to be sent to such persons, only to be used to oppress their own people. Take for instance, the Tulcano jets and other military equipment sold to Nigeria. They were meant to be used against terrorists, in Northern Nigeria. But, Nigerian authorities tricked US Government to sell them out; ostensibly to fight terrorists in the North.
They overlooked the agreement, and sent the war planes to be bombing and killing our people in Biafra villages. It has caused lot of casualties, decomposing bodies of dead persons, including pregnant women and children, to litter the bushes. We appeal for permanent deactivation of those jets, and other deadly weapons, being used for wanton destruction of lives and property in Biafra land. We are entitled to agitate for seff-determination. We want to be free from those slave masters. The hatred, exclusion and oppression is too much.
We from Biafra land, are confident he will fulfill his longstanding promise to help actualize Biafra. He made an error in his first tenure by agreeing to sell Tulcano jets and other weapons to Nigerian Government, with the hope they will be used exclusively against terrorists in the North. When he left office, the military hardware was used to massacre Biafrans in the communities. Take action, to end invasion of our land by terrorists in uniforms. Let them leave Biafra land, and face their own mounting problems, in the North and other places.
As the leader of the most powerful nation; you have strong influence over other countries. Help to end supply of weapons, troops or mercenaries, to countries aiding and abetting terrorism and banditry. The weapons will certainly get to the wrong hands; as is in the case of Nigeria. Here, terrorists are hurriedly gathered, and given the weapons and uniform, to go and destroy Biafra land. There ought to be arms embargo on any terrorist country, killing and suppressing freedom agitators. Nigeria should be in the forefront of the ban.
Enforce freedom of expression on the social media. In the past years, the social networks have been used to suppress the voice of dissent. When somebody airs his views on injustice going on in some countries, he stands the risk of having his platform restricted, or shutdown totally. People are apprehensive, to speak out against wicked and tribal rulers; who oppress mainly minority tribes in their respective countries. They don’t know when their social media accounts, will be suspended or shutdown.
Those bad rulers, the ones from African nations inclusive, have discovered that caging the media in their own countries, won’t be enough to stop opposition to their bad governance. They therefore seek to “Settle” owners of popular international social media, to checkmate subscribers from voicing their indignation, against oppressive regimes.
If people are allowed to express their views, evils in the society will be on the decline. Use your position to correct the anomaly; having been a victim of media suppression of opinion. Most of the popular social media are based in United Sates.
You really need to expand the operation of your Truth Social. A lot of us have tried to sign up without success. I personally tried times without number, to sign up from both Google Play Store, and Apple Store. There is a problem somewhere. Use competent persons to correct the problem. Make Truth Social to be all embracing: to allow for posting of lengthy articles, videos, etc. We want a forum where we can express ourselves fully without being suspended. Let your Truth Social platform take the lead. Then, generality of world population can subscribe to it.
Finally, we wish you use carrot and big stick tactics, to tackle the problem in Middle East. While helping the Palestinians, they should know Jerusalem can never be partitioned out of Israel. God has made it so. Those war mongers in Middle East should be cautioned. Even with the recent earthquake in Iran, the rulers there are unrelenting in attacking Israel. Let them not wait for more wrath of God to fall on them, before they retrace their steps. He has the power to allow more natural disasters in that country, to caution the rulers there.
We wish you a successful tenure in power. May God Almighty continue to guide and protect you. Your escape from a number of attempts in your life during the campaign, wasn’t by chance. He has miraculously saved your life for divine purpose. God said, “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but thou shall mediate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make your way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success” Joshua 1:8.

Stop Sending Weapons & Mercenaries To Authoritarian Rulers
Let the International Community, desist from giving military and material support, to Authoritarian rulers to oppress their people. When you send weapons and mercenaries, to fight against marginalized tribes in a country, you’re making blood money. You’re actually fighting against Almighty God, who created them, just as He created you. It’s very easy for Him to remove you from that position; no matter how highly placed you may be.
Brazilian President-Elect, Jancredo Neves died on the eve of his swearing in. Before then, he boasted he would win Presidential election by up to 500,000 votes. He said further, that not even God would stop him from being sworn in, as President of Brazil. Tancredo actually won by that margin, but he was never sworn in as President. The arrogant and ungodly man died suddenly of health complications in the night. He didn’t know God rules in the kingdoms of men. God didn’t allow him to sit on that seat.
The LORD knows how to reduce a nation, and it’s ruler for oppressing others. He is the defender of the oppressed. God may decide to take that proud ruler out of the surface of the earth suddenly.
You’re well and hearty today, does not mean it will remain so tomorrow. Your very breath is in the hands of Almighty God. The medical reports of heart failure, cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, etc, as causes of death of some individuals can be true. They can be subject to the LORD’s approval. God can take anybody away from any position. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is a typical example. The LORD suddenly gave him the heart of animal; and he entered bush to eat grass with other animals. In the case of his son King Belshazzar, after God’s warning, he was overthrown and killed that night_ Daniel 5:20.
Jehovah can cut a country to size, by allowing natural disasters to strike. When it occurs, the leaders there will realize the colossal loss, is much more than they can gain, by selling weapons and hiring out troops or mercenaries, to fight the oppressed. Stop making blood money; by supporting dictators or tribal rulers, against their helpless people.
There is a God in heaven who will avenge the atrocities of oppressors. Desist from sustaining tribal and religious bigots, who engage in ethnic and religious bigots. The latter engage in ethnic and religious cleansing, to preserve their evil rule.
You as a mercenary or hired combatant, should have a policy guiding your operation. Stop being hired to kill the defenseless. It will soon backfire on you. You certainly come from a family. You leave behind your family members intact, travel to another country to be paid by the authoritarian ruler there to destroy other families for money. He instructs you to kill his enemies, and destroy their properties in the villages. By the time you’re captured by the freedom fighters, they can take you to see the level of devastation you caused. You will probably see, the decomposing bodies of pregnant women, infants and others you killed. As well, you will behold the houses you and your cohorts raised down with your guns. Will they thank you for that? You’re not better than those you brutally murder. Remember, he who lives by violence shall perish by violence.
You cannot be on a mission to destroy other people’s families, and expect your own to be intact. Don’t allow yourself to be used to sell weapons to murderers of their own people. Don’t send mercenaries to them either. It has far reaching consequences.
Some dictators in civilian clothes, buy weapons of mass destruction from advance countries at exorbitant prices. They are ready to pay billions of dollars to have fighter jets, armoured tanks and so on, for their ethnic cleansing; while their people die in abject poverty. They will tell lies, the arms and ammunition are for fighting against terrorists and bandits.
This is happening in Nigeria. As soon as they get delivery of the weapons, they are used kill Biafran agitators in the eastern part of the country. Our adversaries are not really fighting terrorism or banditry in the country. Rather, they play hide-and-seek game with them. How can they effectively fight against what they themselves created? They are all partners in waging war against the rest of the country, to invade and take over ancestral lands and kill the inhabitants. They are on mission to Islamize Nigeria.
Why have they vehemently refused to allow foreign soldiers, to fight terrorists in Northern Nigeria, and end their menace once and for all? The reason is that they are being used, to kill our people secretly and openly. A lot of the weapons being sent to Nigerian Authorities, go to the wrong hands. You are indirectly arming terror gangs against the society.
Take for instance, the Tulcano jets sold to Nigeria by US Government. The agreement for the release of the war planes, was that they will be used solely to fight terrorists in Northern Nigeria; and not to be used in the South. But they are being used to bomb and kill our people in the villages here in the South, along with other weapons. Their real motive of acquiring them is to fight Biafrans. Even the clause to deactivate them if used wrongly, was never implemented.
Instead, there was a conspiracy to send drones, pilots, mercenaries, and more deadly weapons, to destroy our Biafra land. At a stage, the ruler of a powerful nation, who sent those military hardware and personnel, threatened our freedom fighters. He warned and gave them ultimatum to return the captured weapons to their enemies; so that the wanton destruction of lives and property in our land would continue. Then, he would continue to sell his ammunition. God Almighty intervened and dealt with his arrogance; and those he used against our people.
We believe with the second coming on board, of President Donald Trump, a God-fearing man, will bring a drastic change in dealing with dictators. We maintain that any nation that aids and abets terrorism or banditry shouldn’t be supplied with any weapons and troops. They will be used against other tribes opposed to their evil rule. Powerful countries should stop sending weapons and troops, to tribal rulers and religious bigots.
Local Hunters Versus Obsolete War Plane.
There was a time a foreign mercenary pilot, was hired by a civilian dictator in an impoverished country. The latter was a tribal and religious bigot. He used to see other tribes, as inferior and endangered species; who should be suppressed and killed with impunity.
This dictator in civilian clothe, went and purchased weapons; such as old war planes from former colonial country, to fight “Rebels” in his country. It’s a tag for those opposed to his misrule. He marginalized, and relegated them to the background. The so-called rebels said, “Enough is enough,” and vowed to have their own country.
The civilian dictator has been holding the country to ransom for decades. He also vowed over his dead body, would he allow them (his slaves), to divide the country and go. Therefore, he reached agreement with former colonial masters, to purchase ammunition worth billions of dollars; in exchange for the country’s natural resources. They also sent many mercenaries they charge a minimum of one thousand dollars a day each..
On a particular day, a hired pilot mercenary, flew one of the old and noisy aircraft, to terrorize ‘rebel’ communities as usual. And that was his last operation. It ended in a sad note for him. Before embarking on that ill-fated mission of destruction of lives and property of oppressed people, he probably phoned his bank manager far away in his own nation. He wanted to make sure his daily pay of over $1000 was lodged into his account safely. Most mercenaries insist on their daily pay, before venturing out to fight and kill people. The main reason is that they are not sure of surviving till next day. So, it’s a cash-and-carry business. If they survive today, they will be hopeful of being paid for tomorrow. But, if they get killed in battle, the individual contract will end; as he has gone to the land of no return.
This veteran pilot took off with bombs, to go and silence enemies of his pay masters. He and his colleagues were imperialist agents. He flew very low; a little above tree height, looking for people to kill. Unknown to him, hunters in the communities came together, and resolved to challenge the incessant attacks by the noisy war helicopter.
They lay siege for him inside the bush, in a scattered position. Then, the old plane appeared on the scene. It was as noisy as a moving old train. The noise alone could wake everyone in that area from sleep. The puppet ruler in that country went and bought those outdated military hardware, from imperial nation, in exchange for billions of dollars worth of crude oil.
As the plane came very close, the hunters fired their gunpowder on It, from different directions. Instantly, the old plane caught fire. Of course, the “thousand dollar” pilot lost control. The plane flew aimlessly in flames and crash-landed in a nearby bush. Sound of the crash could be heard from a far off. Then, all the able bodied men rushed toward the scene of the crash, with their local guns, matchets, clubs, and what have you.
Before their arrival, everything about the plane was completely burnt down. It was like the fall of Giant Goliath; the thorn in their flesh. For days they celebrated. They danced on top of the plane debris, brandishing their local guns. The wall of Jericho had fallen; and was trampled upon.
We call on countries and individuals to know that God is avenger of the oppressed. Don’t allow yourself to be used to fight against oppressed people. The LORD can even used local hunters to resist you and destroy your weapons.
Take a cue from Jan Periers, a Polish-born pilot. During Nigerian civil war, he flew relief supplies and military equipment to Biafra. He was one of the few foreign pilots, who volunteered to help us then. Though he is dead now, his good deeds and philanthropy speak volume.. Do something to leave behind good legacy.

Stop Terrorists Training Hideouts In Biafra Land.
We appeal to Nigerian Authorities to end all these covert plans, to escalate the destruction of lives and property in Biafra land. They have tried everything imaginable, to force our people to remain their slaves perpetually. But, they have failed woefully. Now, they are desperate to establish terrorists training hideouts, in the guise of IDP camps, in our land.
They first used Fulani terrorists herdsmen, who were armed with automatic weapons, to invade our land. They were checkmated by Eastern Security Network (ESN), who chased them out of virtually all our forests. Then, they changed tactics by recruiting terrorists, miscreants from the Northern and Rivers states. They colluded with some puppet Governors in the East, to form questionable States Vigilante Groups. Arms and ammunition were shipped to them by Britain and China, to fight and kill our people. They couldn’t stop our people.. They were overwhelmed by Biafran security men.
Then, they tried the RUGA thing, it didn’t work either. It involved providing vast land for mostly Fulanis to settle, in order to carry on with their nefarious activities, while camouflaging as cattle rearers. Once again their hidden agenda was blown open. Those-so-called settlements were used as bases, to carry out invasion of communities, kidnappings, ritual killings, human abattoirs, and all worth not. For instance, the Lokpanta Cattle Market in Abia State, is a den of Fulani kidnappers and ritual killers. A lot of dead decomposing bodies, were found in the premises; many of them beheaded. Security agents raided the place. The exposure made the so-called RUGA and settlement issues to die down. Our people resisted them.
They switched over to another strategy, of mass recruitment of terrorists and bandits into the Armed Forces. Those criminals were hurriedly assembled, given uniforms and guns; then dispatched to Biafran land to fight against our people. Initially, they were succeeding. But, the situation has changed dramatically. Biafran security men are having the upper hand.
Our oppressors made spirited efforts to subdue our people, and destroy their self-determination ambition. It came to nothing, due to resilience of agitators. They even hired local and foreign mercenaries. The old and noisy war planes they purchased couldn’t deter our people either. They lined up long convoy of military tanks, and other equipment to invade the land. Everything came to nothing.
Our task masters tried much to use Igbo politicians, and some governors to scuttle the Biafra agitation. They have all failed. Presently, they discovered that the young generation of Biafra agitators who lead the struggle; cannot be bribed and intimidated to submission. They are formidable and resolute.
Their latest plan is to build training camps for terrorists brought in from the North. They name them IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps. They’re deceiving themselves.
Now, they have exhausted all their agendas, to invade Biafra land without success. You cannot fight against the will of people and prevail. You want to transfer those criminals: murderers, rapists, arsonists, jihadists, kidnappers, etc, from the North, to come over here to cause more chaos. You have vast empty lands in Northern Nigeria. Why can’t you build more of the so-called IDP camps there, for those outlaws? Our people will continue to resist your sinister moves, under any guise, to attack our land.
Nigerian Islamic Government, cannot think of any meaningful development project to bring to the Eastern Nigeria; other than terror camps. We hear of Defence Academy, Air force Bases, Prestigious Police Colleges, and so on, mostly in the North. They build multi-national companies, including oil companies, with headquarters at Abuja. But they only want to send criminals here, to carry out primitive jihad war against us. God Almighty will judge all of them.
There are millions of university and Polytechnic graduates from Igbo land, roaming the streets without jobs for years. Nobody thinks about helping, or rehabilitating them. There are tens of millions of other jobless youths from this area. Nigerian tribal government, doesn’t care about them. But your people in the North and Yoruba land, gain instant Federal employment shortly after graduating from schools.
Even people from Niger Republic you absorbed into Federal establishments, are far more in number, than all Igbos taken there. You issue them National Identity Cards (NIN), and Nigerian Passports overnight. You people are more wicked than the colonial masters! We must be free from your internal slavery, and local imperialism.
Those criminally minded people you arm to come and fight us, are those you denied western education. You never wanted them to be educated; so that they will be useful to themselves and the society. You use them to commit all manner of atrocities, to further your narrow political ambitions. The LORD of Hosts is about to remove your longstanding shackles, and bondage out of our lives. We will be fee from your slavery. And there is nothing you and your accomplices can do about it.
“For thou has broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” __Isaiah 9:4, 10:27.

Stop The Extortion In Biafra Land
We are calling the attention of Nigerian Government, to put an end to the extortion or stealing from motorists, going on in Biafra land. The area especially igbo land, has been singled out by so-called law enforcement agents, for massive extortion. They see the place as a conquered territory, where nobody can raise his voice against them. They mount road blocks or checkpoints, in every half a kilometer distance, everywhere in our land. You see them collecting money from our people with impunity, as the motorists own them.
Every commercial vehicle driver is their victim. These disguised criminals, force motorists to part with some specified amount of money, before being allowed to drive pass. As well, they target people using flashy cars; and compel the owners to transfer outrageous amount of money, to their individual bank accounts. Many of them have POS machines with them. They use them to steal their victims’ money in the banks, under frivolous or false charges. Their superior officers, who send them on the roads, are part of the daylight robberies. They also demand transfers to their accounts, when contacted on phones.
The Police, Soldiers, Road Safety Corps, Immigration Officers, Custom, name them, have all their eyes fixed on motorists in Eastern Nigeria. Our people pass through a lot, to maintain and fuel their vehicles; with the ever rising cost of fuel, and other petroleum products. Then, those parasites wearing uniforms on the roads, see them as slaves, who must pay them some amount, each time they pass through their so-called checkpoints.
The irony of it all is that these harassments, humiliations, and stealing from drivers, only happens in Biafra land. It’s virtually non-existent in the North and Yoruba lands. Terrorists, bandits, and other criminally minded people, operate there unchecked. It’s very rare to meet any form of road blocks in those places. That is why terrorists operate there freely. They carry on with their kidnapping, and ritual killing business unchallenged. They are given free hand to operate, even as their backers, including top ranking men in uniform, and government officials are known. But, you dare not extort money from motorists in the North, for whatever reason. You will be sacked instantly when caught. It doesn’t matter whom you’re in uniform. Many of them bribe their ways down to the South here, to carry out their robbery of drivers and motor owners unchallenged.
But down here in Biafra land, the hatred against us is so much that, they arrest and detain people, who refuse to transfer money to their bank accounts, for one false accusation or another. Police cells and other detention centres here, are filled up with Igbos, after falsely accusing them of committing offences; just for refusing to bribe them.
It’s very rare to see Northerners, especially Fulanis in detention anywhere in Nigeria. Search all the prisons and Police cells; you will hardly find any of them there. But, the Fulanis are the worst set of criminals in the country; with due respect to law-abiding ones in their midst. They’re in tiny minority anyway.
They are kidnappers, rapists, arsonists, war criminals, ritual killers, name them. Why then are they not in prisons or detentions? The law courts are not meant for them. Why are those vicious criminals treated as sacred cows in Nigeria? The former Fulani dictator and foreign impostor, made it to be so. He’s an illiterate who doesn’t have any certificate or credential. He failed all the military training he underwent, both home and abroad.
He kind of legalize terrorism and banditry of his kinsmen in the country; in addition to the menace of Fulani herdsmen. He wrecked a lot of havoc in the Nigeria. That wicked man caused the deaths of thousands of people. He collected billions of dollars loans from China, and World Bank. They knew he is an impersonator. He stole and squandered most of the money; and never used any part of it to develop Igbo land. Of course, we’re not liable for the loan repayment. Now the amount of money being used to service the debt (interest on loans), is almost swallowing up the nations earning. We from the East ought to be exempted from the so-called debt serving; as we didn’t benefit from the spending of main loan.
The terrorists they raised to carry out ethnic and religious cleansing, have now turned against them. Those armed gangs are even attacking mosques, and demanding ransom from Northern farmers; before they can be allowed to enter the farmlands. The latest happening, is the destruction of important installations in the North; including dams. Now, the whole of Northern Nigeria is plunged into darkness. It’s just the beginning. Let the Northern elite not think they are safe inside their mansions. Their iniquities shall find them out.
Our people have the right to agitate for the release of Nnamdi Kanu, and other Biafrans, being held under frivolous charges. Most of them are victims of brutality, by law enforcement agents. Take for instance the massacre, rape, and mass detention of Obigbo people, for supporting Biafra agitation. About 70 percent of females held, were raped by their captors. It’s obvious the courts, Police cells, and prisons are meant for mostly people from the South. They are chasing shadows; living behind the main substance.
We therefore call for a change of attitude. Remove your robbery points you call checkpoints. They’re in urgent need of in the North instead. There is serious lawlessness, destruction of lives and property going on there. If you can’t stop those illiterate jihadists you raised up, they will eventually destroy the North. You won’t be spared either. The President is not the cause of your problems. He wasn’t there when you were arming and training them to kill people. You’re victims of self-inflicted wounds.
Withdraw your forces from our land. Stop bombing and destroying our land. Many have died by your bombings; Your dead victims include pregnant women and children. Let all those terrorists in uniforms, you recruited to fight against Biafra people, be sent back to the North. If not for anything, they can help to persuade their colleagues there, to lay down their arms. Release all our people you wrongly arrested or sent to prison. Many of them couldn’t meet your demand of bribes, or transfer of huge amount of money into your rogue bank accounts.
Bear it in mind that this new generation of Biafran agitators, are not like the gullible aging politicians from here in the East, you use and dump. They are highly determined to free our people, from your decades of oppression and genocide. Everything that has beginning has an end.
Gowon Should Face International Criminal Court Now.
Time is overdue for Yakubu Gowon, the overthrown Nigerian Dictator to face charges in International Criminal Court (ICC). He and his cohorts, committed a lot of despicable acts: ranging from genocide to monumental looting of the treasury. If he is not brought to book before he gave up the ghost, history won’t forgive ICC and other world bodies. Nevertheless, he cannot escape God’s vengeance, even in old age.
Gowon is a callous human being and religious hypocrite. He uses bible to cover his crimes against humanity. His partner in genocide Britain, is a heathen nation, which forced criminal colonialism on us. He spear-headed the 1966 counter coup. Jack Gowon brutally murdered Aguiyi-Ironsi, the then Head of State; an Igbo man. He and his evil administration, sponsored the massacre of Easterners (mostly Igbos), in many parts of Nigeria; especially in the North.
International Community, is yet to realize the magnitude of Gowon’s acts of genocide against our people. He backed the killings of millions of Igbo civilians; and looting of their property, which led to the civil war. During the war, people were thrown into boiling water, and some buried alive. Nursing mothers were raped and killed by his rapist soldiers, among other despicable arts. It came to a point, that nursing mothers threw their infants into pit toilets, on hearing of rushing rapist Gowon soldiers; some of whom were imported from neighbouring countries like: Chad and Niger republic. A former Governor said it clearly.
That devil-incarnate who claims to be a Christian, doesn’t care about God’s revenge on the wicked. God Almighty dealt with Eli the High Priest, and his family in his old age. The scriptures said he died suddenly in his 90s. Eli condoned the nefarious activities of his two sons for decades. They stole from the sacrifices, raped women, and all manner of evils. Sometimes, he would pretend not to be aware of his children’s iniquities. As High Priest, he thought he was above the law; that nobody could challenge and deal with him. He was ignorant of God’s vengeance, on the evil men and hypocrites.
But, one day it happened. His two were killed same day in a battle. His pregnant daughter-in-law, delivered prematurely and died. The shock of the news was so much on him, that he fell from upstairs and crash-landed on the ground. He died instantly. His grey hair didn’t go down inside the grave in peace.
Gowon should take a cue, from what happened to his “Comrade” in iniquity. The LORD dealt with him ruthlessly after decades of his evil and hypocrisy. If you escape human judgement, God’s own judgement awaits you. His vengeance is never limited by time. Your callousness is unprecedented in human history.
You pretended not to be aware of genocide against Igbos, across the country; which you supervised. Before the war began, you mobilized soldiers and other law enforcement agents to kill Igbos; even in government establishments like Railway Corporation. It shall not be well with the wicked. Your ill-education and pomposity, led to the death of millions of people. Even after the Aburi Accord in Ghana: you reneged at the peace agreement reached, when you came back to Lagos. Half education is dangerous. During the discussion, you were nodding your head in approval, like a lizard that suddenly fell from a tree to the ground.
You couldn’t comprehend fully, the high level of grammar going on there. “Kana ji turenchi kadan kadan. Yowa.” As soon as you were kicked out of power, you ran back to London. There, you enrolled into a school to improve on your scanty educational background. It was like a medicine after death. Those multitude of people you killed, won’t come back. It will haunt your mind till you die. The logic you learnt in the colonial school, has help you to deny your crimes against humanity. Will God Almighty allow your grey hair, to go down into the grave in peace? Only time shall tell.
Britain cannot continue to shield him for too long, from being brought to book. Britain is a heathen and rogue nation, to say the least. That imperialist nation, connived with ill-educated Gowon, to loot Nigerian Central Bank. They stole all the money Igbos deposited in the bank. As well, they looted crude oil from Biafra worth hundreds of billions of dollars_ which they must return. Britain is a parasite, to all the countries it claimed to have colonized. This occult country conspired to massacre our people in the 1960s, and devastated our land because of the crude oil deposit here.
Those colonial masters are worse than criminals. What right have you to colonize people, when you’re far worse than they? You use Christianity to cover up. You are more fetish, evil and criminally minded, than your victims. You have been covering up the heinous crimes of Gowon and his cohorts, for decades now. They brought their loots to your country for safe-keeping. Your country is a safe haven to top corrupt rulers, especially in African nations. Don’t think you will escape God’s wrath. He can use natural disasters, to bring you back to your senses.
Restoration of Biafra, will fully expose the crimes against humanity, committed by likes of Gowon and Buhari Impostor. The details of their atrocities, will be made known to all and sundry. If at all they escape the judgement of men, they can never escape the judgement of God. For his eyes go to and from the earth, to pay everyone according to his deeds.
UN: Spectator to Terrorism and Genocide in Nations
United Nations body, should go beyond being spectator to acts of terrorism, and genocide across the world. The body is doing practically nothing, to stop the nefarious activities of terror groups, and religious bigots, causing mayhem in the society. From all indication, the body is biased in favour of Arab/Muslim coalition.
UN is currently like a partial referee in a wrestling contest. He turns his back, when the opponent he doesn’t like is receiving a beating of a life time. But, as soon as the wrestler recovers, and is about to defeat the other man, the hypocritical referee will come out of his lukewarm attitude, to enforce the rule strictly. He will even be finding fault with the disliked wrestler, just to wear him out.
The UN acts of condoning the unprovoked barrage of attacks on Israel, has worsened in the past years; especially since the exit of President Donald Trump of US. We thank God he is back. That conspiracy against Israel must stop!
People are asking, what’s the relevance of United Nations, when war mongers like Iran, Hezbollah, and others, are firing hundreds or thousands of missiles, and rockets at Israel with impunity? They have even gone further to send war planes, and invaded the country; causing widespread destruction of lives and property. Now, Israel is defending itself from unprecedented attacks from different Arab countries. UN is raising alarm. You perhaps want the Jews to be wiped out as a nation; so that your Arab/Muslim friends and countries, will overrun the whole land. You might have forgotten or unaware, that the land was given to the Jews, by God the creator of the whole universe.
You cannot sideline God Almighty in this issue, even as some of you don’t believe or regard His existence. Thousands of years ago, He allocated the Promised land, to the forefathers of the Jews; just as He did earlier to forefathers of Syria, and other ancient countries in the Middle East, by His mighty power. He drove away the originally inhabitants of the land, due to their ungodliness and iniquities. It’s God’s eternal plan in the area that will survive the test of time. Nobody or group of persons, can go against God’s instructions and succeed, no matter how highly placed. He has the power to remove anybody from this world instantly. Sooner or later, a battle is coming that will end all battles against Israel. It’s the LORD’s battle. And none of the soldiers that will come against Israel, will survive it.
There are well meaning countries represented in the United Nations, who are opposed to UN lackadaisical attitude towards terrorist groups, and religious bigots. While we commend the body for its positive achievements so far; it needs to do more to reduce drastically, the acts of terror in the Middle East. There is a clique holding swear within UN, that needs to be dismantled. In Nigeria we call it cabal. That clique or cabal is pro Arab/Islam. It dominates UN decisions, and makes other members look dormant. Something urgent has to be done to remove that man-made obstacle, holding the UN to ransom. The coming of President Trump to power, can be of much help.
The UN keeps quiet while ethnic and religious cleansing, are going on in many countries. African countries are not left out. The body is a toothless bulldog. The era of prosecuting and jailing dictators, as well as others committing crimes against humanity, is fading away. There are persons who are more evil and wicked than Charles Tailor of Liberia imprisoned for 50 years. History won’t forgive UN and ICC, if they fail to prosecute Yakubu Gowon and Buhari impostor.
What is the rationale behind jailing Tailor for 50 years, and leaving Gowon and that foreign impostor of Buhari untouched? Is it because they are being shielded by Britain; that imperialist nation? Charles Tailor might have caused the deaths of hundreds of people. But, Gowon participated in slaughtering of millions of people, especially Igbos. He committed a lot of despicable acts with his soldiers before, during, and after the Nigerian civil war in 1960s. They included burying people alive, throwing people inside boiling water, and causing nursing mothers to throw their infants into pit toilets, in order to rape them.
In the case of the man impersonating dead Buhari, he spear-headed acts of terrorism, banditry, and Fulani herdsmen menace. He killed thousands of innocent people, and destroyed farmlands. Of course, he sponsored primitive jihadists who rape women, burnt houses, and invaded communities. He forged the signature of dead Buhari, to secure loans amounting to billions of dollars. He stole and squandered the money. Crediting nations and bodies, were fully aware he was an imposter. Yet, they went ahead to give him the money. Igbos were excluded from benefiting from the loan. He committed a lot of atrocities and violation of international laws, which must be prosecuted. If the duo manage to escape human judgement, they cannot escape God’s vengeance.
We appeal to UN, to impose total arms embargo on Nigeria, until Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is released, and Biafra sovereignty restored. The arms and ammunition being sent to this terrorist country, are used to cause destructions of lives and property in Biafra. Bushes are littered with decomposing human bodies, killed by war planes and armoured tanks used in bombing the area. We have the right to self-defence.
All those sending weapons and mercenaries, to the Nigerian Authorities are making blood money. The statement that they need weapons to fight terrorists and bandits in Northern Nigeria, is a big lie. Rather, they collude with those armed gangs, in attempt to Islamize the country. They gang up to fight against Biafra agitators.
Let the United Nations grant Biafra independence, which is long overdue. Nigerian terrorist-infested armed forces, should leave Biafra land for peace to reign, We cannot continue to be their slaves forever. The young generation of Biafrans, are highly determined to defend themselves against their haters; who have come to annihilate our people.
There is hope for UN to make reforms. The body requires total overhauling. The cabal who think they own the world should be removed. UN can be democratized. May God Almighty should be allowed to make changes in that body, which will benefit mankind. Blessed are the nations whose God is the LORD. Amen.


God Almighty uses individuals at low and high positions in life, to fulfill His divine purpose. He used persons like Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus of Persia, in the past. Nowadays, He is using persons like President Donald Trump of USA to carry out His assignments on earth.
The LORD miraculously rescued Trump from being killed by gunshots a number of times. It showed He has unfinished assignments for him to accomplish. He eventually won the Presidential Election, for the second term.
The LORD Almighty manifests Himself in various ways. Orderliness of the world speaks volume, of the existence as Supreme Being. God also shows Himself strong in our circumstances: protection, providence, guidance, etc, as highlighted in this book. Many attribute the LORD’S hand in their lives to luck. The LORD can use prayers of parents to guard and provide for someone; even when he hasn’t known God.
The book is full of life testimonies and illustrations: which the LORD used to deliver individuals from dangers, and to execute judgement. God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. His creation bear witness to His existence.
Our Great God shows signs and wonders in the world, including the sky. He can do all things. He even causes the raining of live fish on earth from the sky. It is a phenomenon that defies science and logic.
Atheism (believe that there is no God), is baseless. All Species of creatures, including animals are aware of God’s existence. He communicates and passes instructions to them. He commanded the big fish which swallowed Jonah, to vomit him on the dry ground; and it obeyed. Animals which know there is God, are more sensible than atheists.
The Universe is very vast and complex. Scientists, Philosophers, other professionals and ordinary people, are convinced, there must be a Supreme Being responsible for the orderliness of the world. The Universe didn’t happen by accident.
This book is a unique evangelical novel, meant to draw people closer to God; and to worship Him in spirit and truth. Grab a copy to read. Pass it on to others; and you will become a soul winner. Send us your postal address for a copy or copies.
There is overwhelming evidence to prove existence of God (Supreme Being), the creator of the whole universe. Orderliness of the universe bears eloquent testimony to His existence. This book also contains testimony of John Davidson Rockfeller; how he eventually repented to serve God Almighty faithfully, despite being the richest man in the world then.
The LORD has power and control over natural disasters. He intervenes in human affairs, even when the persons involved don’t know Him yet; like how He used Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Great, and even President Donald Trump of USA. The LORD reigns in the kingdoms of men. He gives everlasting life to everyone who comes to Him.
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