Spread the love

This world is a temporary place. Use your God-given opportunity here, to serve the LORD and humanity.

President Santiago Pena Of Paraguay

Support Biafra Exodus

Biafra exodus or independence from oppressive Nigeria, is inevitable and glaring. It will surely be a great miracle from God Almighty. It’s reminiscent of the pullout of Israelis from Egypt; that land of bondage. God knew under normal circumstances, stubborn Pharaoh and his Egyptian lords, won’t allow the Jews to leave: to be free from their slavery and servitude.

Therefore, the LORD decided to achieve the feat, by incapacitating the Egyptian gods they trusted. As well, many nationals of that land died in the process; including first born of families and animals there. Similar way the LORD of Hosts, is set to rescue us from the stranglehold of Nigerian rulers; who hate us since time immemorial. They’re so entrenched in subjugating and relegating us to the background for decades, that only God can really pluck us out to their evil grips.

The fact remains that Almighty God, the LORD of Hosts is very supportive of the agitation for our self-determination. He has seen the extra-judicial killings of Igbos and other Biafrans, for so many years now. Burning of houses, shops, destruction of farmlands, mass rape, killings and ripping off of pregnant women, have become the order of the day. Millions of our people have been killed and maimed; through the active connivance of Nigerian rulers, and Northern elite for decades.

Our people have been making tremendous successes, toward achieving Biafra sovereignty. Most Fulani Jihadists have been chased out of most Biafran forests, by vigilant agitators. Before then, the former were using the forests as hideouts, for their kidnapping and ritual killing business. The Fulanis, backed by Nigerian Armed Forces, were also using the forests, as bases for their primitive jihad war; to kill our people, and take over their ancestral lands.

Today, in Biafra land, you can hardly hear of the extra-judicial killings of our people; unlike in most other parts of Nigeria. They and the other terrorists in uniforms, are being pushed out of our land. The era of impunity is over. They can no longer kill Igbos anywhere in Nigeria, and get away with it. It can only be God at work.

Pharaoh of Egypt (Ramse), had certain things in common with the current Nigerian rulers, as it concerns idolatry. There were marabous (magicians) in Pharaoh Palace, who used serpents to intimidate people. There are also serpents in Aso Rock_ the seat of power

This present Nigerian regime is the most fetish and idolatrous, in the history of Nigeria. Any administration that relegates God to the background, will suffer for it. It’s sad some persons are still living fetish and primitive lifestyles, in this modern age. They use their adherence to Christian or Muslim religion, to cover up their diabolical activities.

Our God, the creator of the whole universe, will rescue us from our idolatrous and ungodly haters, by His outstretched hands. The LORD Almighty is much stronger than our enemies and their gods, who don’t want us to go. Many of them have vowed over their dead bodies, should Biafra be free. Quite a number of them who made such vows, have already gone. We’re not only fighting against flesh and blood. We are also fighting against principalities and powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

God will confound the “Serpents in Pharaoh Palace,” and The “Egyptian gods,” before our taskmasters will let us go. We cannot be your slaves forever. You are not God who created us. We want to go and worship the LORD; devoid of all these jihadist things, and diabolical activities going on at the seat of power. Then, our God-given talents will be fully discovered and developed. Nigeria is a land that kills talents.

Our oppressors are doing everything possible, to subjugate and stop us from exiting Nigeria. They have virtually plunged South East (Igbo land) into darkness, by the scanty electricity supply. Electricity distribution companies, rarely give light to us. Some days light lasts for few hours. In some days there is nothing at all. Yet, our people are compelled to pay heavily on over-estimated monthly bills. We tend to be paying for free electricity being given to neighbouring countries, by Nigerian Authorities.

This deliberate and scanty supply of electricity, has adversely affected commerce and industries, in Eastern part of the country. Manufacturing companies are folding up due to lack of electricity supply. Businesses, especially the ones which depend much on power, are going down the drain. Economic war is also being waged against our people. Lack of power supply, is also calculated to drastically reduce the influence of our people in the internet. We will surely wriggle ourselves out, from all these man-made obstacles.

Nothing that will stop the actualization of Biafra. Of course, no incantation or enchantment can stop it. Those who go to fortune tellers, false prophets, and their likes, to divine for them against Biafra restoration, are taking risks. It will boomerang on them. If they are not careful, the calamity that befell Balak the king of Moab, and Balaam the soothsayer he consulted, will befall them. Balak wanted Balaam to curse Israel for him; but the LORD turned it to blessing. “God told unto Balaam, thou shall not go with them, thou shall not curse the people: for they are blessed” – Numbers 22:12.

You cannot curse whom God has blessed. Biafrans are blessed people. The curse will ultimately return to senders. Later, Balak and Balaam were killed in the battle that ensued. God dealt with them. No amount of diabolism will stop Biafra.

We appeal to countries and individuals, to desist from making themselves enemies of Biafra, by engaging us in a proxy war. When you provide mercenaries, arms and ammunition to our oppressors to fight us, you’re invariably fighting and killing our people. You’re among our enemies. Your atrocities and sabotage, will be taken into consideration after our independence. Meanwhile, we commend the generality of International Community, for being sympathetic to our plight. May God Almighty continue to bless and preserve you. Amen.

All hands should be on deck for the freedom of Biafra. It will unveil the ingenuity in us to the fullest. Biafra land will experience tremendous transformation and industrialization, within a short time of being free. Hardship, unemployment, hunger, etc, will be drastically reduced. We will continue to serve the true God. Biafra like Israel, will be a nation blessed by God Almighty.

Back From The Dead

I  am a native of Avu community, in Owerri West Local Government area, Imo State of Nigeria. I became a born-again Christian in the year 1970; some months after the Nigerian civil war ended. As time went on, I became sick. The sickness dragged on for almost one year. I was taken to various clinics and hospitals, within and outside my community Avu for treatment. There was no solution. Medical personnel couldn’t even diagnose my health problem.

Therefore, I was  returned to our family house to wait for death to come. My situation was getting worse steadily. I knew within me I would die. It was a matter of time. I told my parents about it. I later realized like Lazarus in the bible, the sickness was not unto death, but for the glory of God; that the Son of God might be glorified thereby (John 11:4). And on Friday evening, 11th of May 1973, it happened. I suddenly found myself in a very strange environment.This must be paradise I have been hearing of since my childhood, and read of in the bible. Paradise is a fascinating place: full of beauty and comfort. It’s very difficult to describe the place as there’s nothing there, to compare with anything in the world. God’s glory illuminates the beautiful city. The sun, moon, and stars, do not shine there.  The ground glitters like precious stones.

 Whoever has been there, would never want to come back to earth. Paradise is a temporary place of rest for souls of righteous persons; pending when they will be clothed with immortal bodies: at the second coming of the Messiah, and the new world.

One can see and hear clearly, from a very far distance in paradise than on earth. For instance you can see or hear people there about five thousand kilometres away, as clearly as they could be seen and heard a hundred metres away on earth. That is to say, the human eyes and ears, see and hear much further, or have much longer reach in paradise, than on earth.

 People from every nation are in paradise. Of course, I saw the saints and holy prophets there. The atmosphere there is that of friendliness. Anybody appears familiar and friendly to you; no quarrelling or fighting there. People move around and enjoy themselves.

 I saw people in hell from afar off. Hell looks reddish, with the flames of fire there. Billions of people are in hell, including many including religious hypocrites when on earth.

God said further, “some of the so-called pastors there, were using devilish powers to perform miracles: and see false visions for people, while on earth. They were womanizers, drunkards, and drug addicts. They refused to heed my warning to them”. The Lord told me not to mention their names, when He would eventually send me back to the world, for a mission.

 Meanwhile, some gospel ministers and other believers held night vigil, in the room where my body was laid. They sang praises to God, and prayed fervently for my coming back from the dead. I am the only son of my parents. My relatives planned to bury my body the following day, as there was no mortuary service around, to preserve my body from decomposing.

 Instantly, I found myself in my room on earth. I sat on the bed I was laid on. People ran helter, skelter. Most of the mourners in our compound, fled in panic. My mother ran away. But, my father stood behind. He was a church catechist when alive; and a “rural preacher of the gospel. They were later amazed I came back to life.

 I calmed them down, and told them my story. I explained to them about life in the great beyond. Gradually, other sympathizers came back to hear more from me. They were jubilant to see back from the dead. I learnt I left the body  (was dead) for about nine hours’ from dust till dawn. But, it was as if I spent more than sixty years in paradise.

 Weanwhile, unbelieving mourners gathered outside, and watched curiously throughout the night, for what would happen. The Lord granted the praying believers their supplications, by raising me up from the dead, like Lazarus in the bible. Then, mourners turned to spectators. My coming back to life, was unprecedented in the history of my community, and beyond.

 Initially, I was sad for coming back to this harsh world. But, Jehovah brought me back to bear witness, of all I saw and heard over there. When I returned to earth, the Lord miraculously healed me of my chronic sickness.

The next Sunday, I held a thanksgiving service in my local church. Many inhabitants of Avu, including pagans attended. There, I gave my testimony. Of course, I sang the song God taught me there. My coming back from the dead brought great revival, and evangelical outreach far and near.

People of neighbouring communities, were coming to our house on ‘pilgrimage’. I opened my mouth to preach and admonish them; to repent and serve God wholeheartedly. The idol worshippers, drunkards, fornicators, adulterers, murderers, and ministers of the gospel were not left out. I told the pastors and ministers, to practise what they preach or teach to people; so that at the end, they won’t be a castaway.

”And evert man strives for the mastery, is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we are incorruptible… .To be continued (Extract from our book: Evidence Of God’s Existence).


Modern Sodom And Gomorrah

We are really in the end time. Iniquities abound everywhere. What we experience nowadays, is worse than what happened during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, until God destroyed the twin cities. Inhabitants of those cities engaged in sexual perversions: like homosexuality and harlotry. The LORD rained hails of fire upon them that consumed them.

In the world today, so many people are no longer ashamed to display their nakedness in the public. They now appear stark naked, even on the media. If your activities in this world, lead people away from God to hell, you better retrace your steps now, and have a change of heart. For God Almighty is a consuming fire.

For instance, if you are in the media, be very conscious of your activities there: promiscuous utterances, the ungodly posts or videos you upload, or allowed to be uploaded in your platform. If what you do draws people closer to God, He will be pleased with you. But, if you’re leading people away from the LORD, you need to repent from it. God will judge everyone according to his deeds; even while the person is living in this earth.

Beware of Delilahs of our time. They have pulled many men down, and brought them to nothing. They’re everywhere including the media. You shall know them by their fruits. While people are busy creating contents that will benefit the public, Delilahs and their likes, are creating their own contents, in nudity and pornography. Sometimes, they go completely naked in social media. They have nothing positive to offer to the society, other than their nakedness, and sex videos. What you post on your social media page, speaks volume of whom you are. Whether you post them directly by yourself, or you tolerate your friends’ obscene posts on your platform, God will hold you responsible. He will hold you accountable to leading people to the path of hell.

A lot of those depraved half-naked ladies, have gone through higher institutions. Yet, there is nothing to show for it; in terms of acquiring skills, that will help them to create valuable contents for on media platforms. They can’t boast of any entrepreneur skill; from their Primary  school, up to Polytechnic or University education. When others are learning skills like: fashion design, cakes, cosmetics, marketing, etc, they’re busy prostituting about. We thank God for the responsible ones, who are enterprising, and can produce wares for people to buy and patronize. Now that monetization, is going for content creators in the social media, there is no place for Delilahs, with their nude photos and sex videos. They need to change, before it becomes too late for them. What they’re indulging in now, won’t survive the test of time.

There’re great dangers in prostitution, and hook-up business. Venereal diseases are waiting they. Many have been killed and used for rituals. The series of aborted pregnancies they carry out, will tell on them later in life. Whatsoever a man sows he shall reap. By promoting sexual perversion, they are leading many to hell. The scriptures say their house leads to hell—Proverbs 7:27

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh, shall of the flesh corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” –Galatians 6:7-9.

God said, “But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” – Matthew 18:6. You shall account for souls you lead astray. Majority of those you see in their seductive photos, are scammers. They scam people with their enticing words, and subsequently block their victims on social media. Watch and pray, that you don’t fall victims to them. The bible says, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife; and let every woman have her own husband. If you keep yourself, you will get responsible person to marry you.

We therefore call for a change of attitude. You need to repent and turn a new leaf. What you present to the public, is not what you are in real life. You present a picture of a Christian who attends church on Sundays. But you’re far from God, by the way you dupe people and block them later, coupled  with the hypocritical life. God said, seek first the kingdom of God and it righteousness, all other things shall be added to you. Go and acquire skills, and begin to create contents. You can display your wares on your platforms like responsible persons do for patronage. And may God Almighty make a way for you; and bless the works of your hands. Amen.

Old Age & Health Failure: Period Of Sober Reflection

Old age or health failure, is a period of self-examination. God in His infinite wisdom, uses any of these twin occurrences, as opportunity for people to reflect on their sojourn on earth; to mend their ways before Him.

They’re now at the twilight of their temporary journey on earth. At this stage, youthful exuberances are gone. The physical strength is now dwindling. The vanity of life will begin to dawn on them.

I remember a very popular and successful boxing champion. In his hey days, he was energetic, tall, handsome, and bubbling with life. He won almost all his boxing bouts; and was a celebrity; a world boxing champion. Of course, he had millions of fans all over the globe. He was usually invited as special guest in well publicized events; including the ones involving boxing. Mohamed Ali was an eloquent and vibrant speaker; who used to hold his audience spellbound with his oratory. He had a successful career.

Then, age began to tell on him. His health began to deteriorate. At a stage, he couldn’t stand straight again. The vibrant and thunderous voice in him had gone. Of course, he was so weak he couldn’t enter the ring to box again. The man was a shadow of his former self. Nothing lasts forever. And one day he passed away. Similar thing happens to a lot of  people. However, it’s not everybody God will allow to grow old before taking him. He can decide to take somebody in his prime.

“Remember now you Creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw near, when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them; while the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor he clouds return after the rain. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Vanity of vanities, said the preacher; all is vanity” –Ecclesiastes 12:1-2, 7-8.

So many people worshipped the LORD when they were young. David served God faithfully in has youthful days _even as young as 17 years of age. He walked with the LORD, and served Him. Later He lifted David up far above his peers. The latter eventually became king of Israel. He was used mightily by the LORD in battles, to save his people. If you serve the LORD diligently, time will come when He will raise you up above most of your mates.

Don’t be carried away by the pleasures of this temporary world; to the extent of forgetting about your Creator_ Almighty God.  Abstain from immoralities. Believe God to help you get your spouse at the appropriate time. It’s much better to marry than to engage in sexual immoralities; with its attendant consequences like: unwanted pregnancies and venereal diseases.

Avoid living prodigal life, womanizing, being a glutton and drunkard. Prodigal life will bring you to nothing. Don’t indulge in lifestyle you will regret later. Use your youthfulness and strength, to do exploits for the LORD, while you can. For time is coming when age will catch up with you; or you won’t be healthy enough to do so.

Old age is a privilege. Not everybody attains it. It’s an opportunity or transition period, to reconcile with your maker; before departing from this world. It will be good to use this transition period to repent fully, and accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour. One day, the body will return to the earth, and the spirit will go back to the creator. Then, you will be ushered into your eternal rest, if you deserve it. Amen.

Behold I Make Everything New_ Jehovah

This world is a temporary place. God Almighty, creator of the universe, is using the world to prepare, and try the inhabitants of the earth; if they will obey and worship Him. Those who obey will inherit eternal life, and a new place He has prepared for them. When the time comes, He will make everything new. In other words, every physical or visible thing in the universe, will be replaced. Therefore, prepare yourself to leave this place, and meet with your creator.

“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night: in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be, in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness”—2Peter 3:10-13.

God has promised He will do a new thing. “Remember you not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forh; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”—Isaiah 43: 18-19. Christ said, in my father’s house, there are many mansions. Behold ì go and prepare a place for you. Eye has not seen or ear heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him.

Your life here is like a vapour that vanishes away. This world is nothing, compared with the replacement the LORD will bring soon. Life here is very short compared with everlasting life; God has given to those who obey and worship Him. Therefore, don’t be carried away by the things of this world, to the extent you about your creator; or relegate Him to the background. At the beginning of creating human beings, the LORD  allowed them to live up to hundreds of years; even up to 900 years. Now He has shortened the lifespan, to a maximum of about 120 years to mend his ways.

Put God first in whatever you do. When you plan about the future, it can only work out, if God allows you to live to accomplish it. “Go to now, you that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain. Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away. For that you ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that”—James 4:13-15. Let not the pursuit of vanities becloud your love for God.

The Lord will create new heaven and new earth. The sun, moon, and stars shall no longer illuminate the place. God shall be a light to the world. There shall be no night there. The tree of life will bare twelve manners of fruits. It will yield its fruit every month. The leaves are for the healing of the nations.

“And I John saw the holy city new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there any more pain; for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write: for these words are true and faithful”—Revelation 21: 2-5.

Prepare yourself for the coming of the LORD. Repent, cleanse your hands from sins. And you shall be worthy of eternal life.


Nigeria: A Country That Oppresses Pensioners

Nigeria is a country, where the rulers have nonchalant attitudes toward the plight of pensioners: both at the state and federal levels. This is the height of wickedness.

When there is wage increase in the country, the senior citizens are not taken into consideration. For instance, most of the pensioners in Nigeria, if not all, are presently paid on old rate of about ten years ago. That is to say, the payment is still based on certain percentage of minimum wage of so many years ago.

That is why so many elderly pensioners receive as little as #5000 or #6000 (about $3 or $4), a month at state level. At federal level, thousands of pensioners are being paid #9,000 or less (about $6) or less. Our unscrupulous rulers don’t care about upgrading the pay of citizens to suit the prevailing minimum wage. The money they should be paying actually, is being diverted into bottomless pockets of our heartless rulers. They steal from poor retired civil servants. When you hear them talk about borrowing from pension fund; they are really stealing from it, which they never pay back.

Your conscience doesn’t prick you when you claim you are borrowing from impoverished pensioners fund. The #5000 or #6000 you pay monthly is less than 12 cup of beans. It amounts to less than half a cup of beans in a day. Similar thing happens to federal pensioners. The money you pay majority of them in a month each, is less than the amount you spend daily to maintain any of your dogs. Yet, you find it difficult to pay the money regularly. You owe a lot of them for years; as you have stolen hundreds of billions, or trillions from the pension fund. Why should you pay up to 2.8 billion to some retiring public office holders, who gave you backing in rigging yourself to power? You totally neglect ordinary civil servants, you pay peanuts irregularly.

Some state Governors owe pensions for years. The latter are never paid their gratuities. Nigeria Federal Government owes tens of thousands of pensioners for more than ten years running. These senior citizens are dying on daily basis, due to hunger related illness. Nobody cares. You’re busy looting the treasury and pension fund, with impunity. You have bribed and intimidated the statutory bodies, which should check your excesses; after rigging yourself to power. You have no fear of God in you. How can you escape the wrath of God?

This present administration, is the most fetish and idolatrous, in the history of Nigeria. When you bring in giant snakes into the seat of power, your thinking is that nothing can remove you from that place. But, there is a God in heaven, who has dealt with the likes of Pharaoh of Egypt. By the time the LORD finished with him and his surrogates, his snakes in the palace, and their gods were humiliated and dealt with.

This present Government has never paid any form of arrears owed pensioners, since coming to power on May 2023, unlike the previous Government. For example, thousands of pensioners of Delta Steel Company Aladja, in Warri, are owed pensions for over 11 years now. And what they are being paid currently are peanuts; old rate of more than ten years ago. Nobody cares to address the anomaly. Governance in Nigeria has degenerated to the level, where treasury is emptied including pension fund. Then, they stoop down to steal from the meager money of senior citizens.

When the righteous are in power, the people rejoice. But, when the wicked are ruling the people mourn. There is severe hunger in the land. People are crying. Prices of foodstuff are souring daily. Political office holders are allocating billions to themselves, and their sycophants; while the ordinary workers and pensioners are given peanuts.

Crux of the matter is that most of those ruling over us, have skeletons in their cupboards. They have gods they worship in their closets; apart from their so-called adherence to Christian or Muslim religion. The devils they serve give them orders, on how to make life difficult for the people. That’s why they come up with anti-masses policies; like the unwarranted hike in price of petrol, diesel and kerosene. People are grinding under the excruciating pains of these persons, who imposed themselves on us. We must not give room for Satan and his agents, to control and ruin this country.

We therefore call for a change of attitude. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. One day, you will leave behind, all the money you are gathering here and there, at the expense of the downtrodden masses. God can take you out of this world at anytime. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and lose his soul? There is no future in fraternizing or seeking for false help from devils. They will eventually fail and abandon you. But God will never fail you, if you put your trust in Him.

The best form of protection is to stop oppressing people. Pay up workers, pensioners, and others you owe, their full entitlement, as and when due. Then, your adversaries will be drastically reduced in number. And God Almighty will take care of the remaining ones. Do everything you can to bring down the price of fuel products significantly. These will ease tension in the country, and Nigeria will be better for it. 


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